Example sentences of "[coord] in [art] [noun] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was open , if despairing , resistance in the plays of David Hare , Howard Brenton , or David Edgar , or in a realist film like My Beautiful Laundrette .
2 Here the employer chooses , by whatever method he likes , a specialist either in the specification prior to tender or in a variation order during the course of the contract .
3 Thus , for example , if one wanted to study the reactions of women readers of romantic novels to a change in the cover design of a series of books , a group of , say , eight women of varying ages and social classes could be got together either in a house or in a discussion room at a research agency and a trained discussion leader would ask questions of them about their reading interests and , generally speaking , what they expect romantic novels to look like .
4 The third theme is to the effect that localisation consists in movement , or in a felt tendency to movement , either of a hand or foot to the part of one 's body touched ( Gardner Murphy ) , or of one 's eyes in the direction of the part touched ( Alexander Bain ) .
5 Then place the pots in a heated propagator , set at 18C/65F , or in a plastic bag in a warm place .
6 Anyone interested in that idea , or in the turning systems for schools can contact him at The Croft , Brough , Thurso , Caithness , Scotland KW14 8YE , ( 0847 ) 85605 .
7 But if self-sufficiency in terms of cash is to be achieved at this level of demand then major discoveries in the frontier areas off Nova Scotia or Newfoundland in the Atlantic or in the Mackenzie Delta off the West Coast , will need to be made .
8 Even in his mid-seventies , Finniston is showing no sign of flagging in his boundless energy or in the missionary zeal with which he preaches the gospel that a healthy industrial economy is in the best interests of society as a whole .
9 You can work for large multi-national corporations ' in-house counsel or in the branch office of your firm abroad .
10 You can find their address at the local Citizens Advice Bureau , or in the telephone directory under ‘ community health council ’ .
11 We put them in or in the holiday tin with all the change .
12 We also support the element of flexibility within the arrangements whereby community citizens have the option of whether to vote in their country of residence or in the home country via a postal ballot .
13 Very often , even though the planes came back safely , there would be dead and injured on board , and sometimes a damaged aircraft would have been unable to release its bombs either over the target or in the North Sea on the way home and would have to land back at base with the bombs still on board .
14 Mass reporting means that , if an improbable thing happens to anybody , anywhere in the world , we shall read about it in our newspapers or in the Guinness Book of Records .
15 For instance , it is more common for a British manager working in Europe or in the United States to be paid the local market rate .
16 To arrange your visit , contact the TRAINING & welfare OFFICERS at either Hunterston or Torness , or in the PR Department at Peel Park .
17 Iranians , and the Iraqis whom they protect , make huge claims : 500,000 Iraqi Shias slaughtered , and 800,000 hiding in the marshes of southern Iraq — in addition to those who have sought safety in Iran , or in the buffer zone along the Kuwaiti border .
18 If you could measure the pressure of the water in the capillary tube or in the pore spaces of the cloth , you would find that it was below atmospheric pressure .
19 ‘ A lot of us used to play poker on the set or in the aircraft hangars on location .
20 Dinner is taken at a large pine table in the breakfast room or in the dining room at a rather grand table , polished and adorned with the best china , silver-ware and of course , candles .
21 Hyde Project staff and guests entered into the spirit by dressing in period costume or in the project colours of red and white .
22 Very soon her competitors in their showrooms on the other side of Oxford Street or in the side streets off Bond Street knew that she was in trouble .
23 connected between pre- and power amplifiers or in the tape loop of an integrated amplifier ( there is a duplicate tape loop on the unit to restore the lost facility ) it provides fixed equalization to extend the loudspeaker 's operating range below the normal cutoff point and additionally permits fine adjustment of the frequency response to give subtle control over the in-room performance .
24 The WTA offered hiking , rambling or climbing holidays at home and abroad , centre-based holidays by the sea , mountains or in the tourist centres of Europe .
25 But these were just two little subcultures , and in no way representative of Britain as a whole .
26 ‘ I do not consider that they were behaving like beetles , ’ said Miss Logan , while carefully indicating by her tone that this was only her private opinion and in no way derogatory of Colonel Fergusson .
27 Basically Wegman expresses his view of the world as an absurd and irrational place by photographing Man Ray in a variety of disguises — inked-on whiskers and ears cunningly transform him into a cat , in a dress he becomes a transvestite , and in a hotel bed with Fay he becomes the envy of every red-blooded hound on the planet .
28 Adam Sedgwick , whose life is commemorated in a fine book by Colin Speakman and in a memorial fountain of Shap granite that stands in the main street , is Dent 's most famous son .
29 Dowson 's poetry is mannered , literary , mellifluous , and in a diction operating on a narrow register .
30 In other words , there must be a tension in the area just ahead of the crack and in a direction parallel to the crack surfaces .
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