Example sentences of "[coord] help [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A group of 33 officers were charged on Feb. 18 with leading or helping to stage the attempted coup .
2 It was the steady flow of student and ex-student recruits which brought into being and helped to sustain the radical circles , organizations and nation-wide parties of the revolutionary underground .
3 He campaigned against the war itself and against military and industrial conscription , and helped to organize the early rent strikes in 1915–16 .
4 This was a boost to my ego and helped to offset the ever-present dread of getting the chop from Halton .
5 The experiences of the First World War , often registered in a feeling of horrific waste , also left a deep impression on the mental landscape of the interwar years and helped to form the low-key response towards crime and hooliganism .
6 At this point , planning provided little guidance to what would follow ; the difficulties of extemporizing new manoeuvres were enormous and helped to reinforce the prevailing view that the overriding aim must be an early victory obtained essentially by good initial deployment .
7 The technology employed is not simply a neutral manifestation of progress : it both reflects and helps to reinforce the social relations which exist between managers and those who occupy their buildings .
8 That first re-reading reinforces the learning process and helps to fix the essential points in your memory .
9 The problem is to come up with an analysis and structure which is not only reasonably clear and self-consistent in terms of concepts of knowledge , but which maps on to and helps to explain the curricular structures that are already in place .
10 This is as significant and interesting material as the recently released Mosley papers and helps to illuminate the divergent nature of British fascism and the very mixed and complex attitudes fascists and anti-semites had towards Hitler .
11 This both presents a smaller target for the opponent to strike at , and helps to protect the vital organs .
12 Sharing the problem at once halves it , reduces the feeling of victimisation , and helps to establish the larger dimensions of what had previously been regarded as a local problem .
13 Once it arrives in America , a team of experts from Stoddards will set it up and help to train the new operatives .
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