Example sentences of "[coord] begin [to-vb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And s and begin to drive them with a consolidated plan .
2 The finings attract yeast and other particles and begin to drag them to the bottom of the tank .
3 If Mr Kinnock can lead his party this far , it seems at least possible that he can now turn himself outward , away from the party , and begin to project himself as a potential national leader .
4 As an actor , Charles could feel all the elements in the voice and begin to feel something of the man .
5 We staggered out and began to use it as a battering ram against the locked door .
6 She looked around her despairingly and began to push him towards the pantry .
7 Gazzer grabbed the wheelchair and began to push it along the paths in between the flower-beds .
8 Franz pulled Therese 's arm through his and began to lead her up the track towards the car park , but she stopped and looked back .
9 While he was talking to her , Melissa took the twins out of the pushchair and began to carry them around the store , one balanced on each hip , until she found somewhere to sit down .
10 After a few days of this treatment , Moz began to feel less threatened by his owner , and began to greet her at the gate .
11 Then , slowly , she reached for her brush from the dresser , and began to slide it through the unruly tangle of her hair , taming the fly-away curls until they settled into a softly gleaming curtain that fell over her shoulders .
12 Sister Cooney picked up a pile of books and began to replace them on the shelves .
13 Frank took off his glasses and began to polish them in the sheet with enthusiasm .
14 Suddenly , in mid-song , Dylan stopped playing and began to mumble something into the microphone , off on his own personal tangent .
15 He extended his arm fully and began to waggle it in an arc across the faces of the congregation .
16 The ship reached the coastline just after sunrise and began to follow it in a south-easterly direction down to the sea .
17 Silver roused the others and began to coax them into the field .
18 But Mary was out so I gave him the letter and began to tell him about the trouble at home .
19 Your captain , Seru , was here earlier this morning and began to tell him about the holes in the AOL .
20 And they spat on him , and took the reed and began to beat him on the head , and after they had mocked him they took his robe off and put his garments on them and led him away to be , to crucify him .
21 Leo carried the pile of crockery into the kitchen and began to load it into the dishwasher .
22 She lifts from the floor a leather Gladstone bag , and begins to load it with the things she will need for the day : well-thumbed , much underlined and annotated copies of Shirley , Mary Barton , North and South , Sybil , Alton Locke , Felix Holt , Hard Times ; her lecture notes — a palimpsest of holograph revisions in different-coloured inks , beneath which the original typescript is scarcely legible ; and a thick sheaf of student essays marked over the Christmas vacation .
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