Example sentences of "[coord] hold [pers pn] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 After a while he opens his case , takes out a glass vial and holds it up to the light .
2 A teenage girl gets on the bus , then , as if she 's just remembered , takes out a comic story magazine and holds it out of the window .
3 And holding them up for a little bit of erm laughter .
4 He was wearing an apron which made him look like a housewife , and tinkering with glass eyes , taking them out of a box and holding them up to the empty sockets of the dead bird , trying to find a matching pair that fitted .
5 Taking the bag and holding it up towards the window , Bodie peered at the two slugs .
6 ‘ The cow is there ’ , said Ansell , lighting a match and holding it out over the carpet .
7 Some days Ariel carried the hooped Sycorax on her back ( she would not ride on anyone else ) down to the shore and into the water , and held her up under the arms so that she could let her contorted frame float free ; small currents spun in the water as if to ease her , and the sky 's blue height seemed to catch them up into its soft vastness and give them fins and wings to fly and swoop , so that they both felt airier and brighter than they had since their freedom had come to an end , and the memory of their former peace returned for a space .
8 The younger man had hauled his older opponent from the ground and held him up against the wall with one hand while he pummelled his face with the other , and the blood covered his fist .
9 I pretended to find a smudge on the glasses , rinsed them , dried them and held them up to the light .
10 SCRIBBLED swear words on pillows and held them up to the cabin crew members demonstrating emergency procedures .
11 He drew out a sturdy transparent plastic inner bag and held it up to the light to show me the contents .
12 Miss Harker looked at it with distaste as if it were a species of repellent insect wriggling on a pin , then took it carefully between her finger and thumb and held it up to the light of the candle .
13 The photographer pulled his roll of film from the camera and held it up to the light .
14 The white-robed man took the torch from the girl and held it up to the people .
15 He picked up one of the envelopes and held it up to the light : the watermark showed the heraldic hybrid with which he was becoming familiar , with the wings of an eagle and the body of a lion .
16 He stepped over , pierced one of the raw chunks with his dagger and held it up before the mastiff .
17 He unclipped a plastic water-bottle from his belt and held it out with a smile that was almost a grin .
18 He plucked a heavy silver ring from the middle finger of his left hand , tugging it over the knuckle impetuously , and held it out across the table in his palm .
19 Then from his own pocket he drew another , rather the same but very much shinier , and held it out in the palm of his hand .
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