Example sentences of "[coord] my [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My respectful study of other religions has not abated my reverence for or my faith in the Hindu scriptures .
2 It took about a minute to get the rifle in place and my head in the correct position , cheek by stock , and still the beast had n't moved a millimetre .
3 The second place is that probably one of the reasons that physicians feel threatened by these kind of laws is that , without the law , I can cruise along and maintain my patients ' comfort and my sanity to the best of my ability .
4 Even with two feet and my back against the other side I could n't budge it .
5 Even with two feel and my back against the other side I could n't budge it .
6 I 'd like to move a petition containing two hundred and forty four signatures and my name on the green order page and I ask that it be referred to the environment committee for consideration .
7 And then you mentioned Thorn House , and my birth on the same day as Donna , and she was so shocked she spilled her tea .
8 An answer to these questions , if a satisfactory answer is to be possible at all , can not be given except as part of a theory of reality , and my purpose in the following pages will be to sketch out the fundamentals of just such a theory .
9 Forced to listen to all those hoary chestnuts that cast me and my kind as the bad guys , and the butt of all the jokes .
10 My presence among you here in Exeter is the manifestation of my admiration and my solidarity with the human rights movement and your work .
11 If you balance the filth of the rumours or the sly hints and obnoxious asides of people like Robert and my agent against the decent , if romantic , dignities shown in the preceding paragraph and again in the portrayal of the girl I saw earlier on this night you can surely be left in no doubt as to where the weight of the truth fall .
12 We found them and my paddle with the other instructor getting a lecture on what to do if you see your friend drowning and not ignoring sos calls .
13 ‘ Well , you silly bastard , ’ he replied , ‘ My father was born on the Scottish side of the Border and my mother on the English side .
14 It would be an easy excuse for me to concur , but my running throughout the preliminary rounds and semi-final really indicated that this was not the case .
15 Forgive me , but my command of the German tongue is slight .
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