Example sentences of "[coord] then [verb] the [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The principle indicated in those cases was a long way from the circumstances of the present case and was far from warranting the conclusion that by making a photocopy of a document which in the hands of the maker of the photocopy was not privileged , and then sending the photocopy to a solicitor for the purposes of obtaining advice , privilege was thereby cast on the copy sent to the soicitor .
2 She must have taken the letter straight to a photocopy shop after collecting it from the skip and then posted the copy to Zen before returning to the house , calculating that if the copy came to light each of the Milettis would equally be under suspicion .
3 Zanya , Jason and IB4E caught the sky bus to Ratvick , and then took the train to Zog Central .
4 Thus laden , I rode the 20 miles to Picton and caught the ferry ; stayed overnight in Wellington and then took the train to Auckland — no problems in putting the bike aboard ; and this journey lived up to expectations and surpassed them ; the scenery through the ‘ King Country ’ in autumn is quite unrivalled , and again looks like a superb area for a cycle tour .
5 I waited for another few seconds and then crossed the landing to my own flat where I completed my own process of locking myself in for the night .
6 Above Dorothea 's head , six new , blue mugs hung on six newly-erected hooks , for Florence Ames thought of all things and was constantly suggesting improvements — not that she insisted upon them or took anything in hand , only looked and suggested and then left the idea to be considered , accepted or rejected .
7 The process is one of envisioning on paper and then transferring the result to an Apple Macintosh computer system .
8 ‘ There you go , ’ he had added , opening the door and then handing the key to Ross .
9 And then carried the news to Cara .
10 The defendant then selected one of them and then sold the set to that person for one penny .
11 He had taught himself shorthand and then taught the subject to others .
12 Anyone who had had that knew a bit about the Treasury and knew a little bit about fighting back and working round them and all the rest of it and of giving orders direct to the Chancellor and saying , ‘ Look , this is what we must have ’ , and then getting the Cabinet to back it , so that it was harder for the Treasury to say ‘ No . ’
13 Competition for agency jobs is so severe that you may find it easier to obtain an interview with the media itself — a TV contractor or newspaper and then make the transition to agency work a little later in your career .
14 An alternative is to demonstrate the product and then ask the visitor to a nearby seating area to conduct the interview .
15 It buys minicomputers from the American firm Data General , adds financial software , and then sells the package to accountants .
16 In ancient Egypt , doctors put wheat and barley seeds into separate cloth purses and then told the woman to ‘ pass her water on it every day …
17 At his trial in April , Willett admitted registering the useful Flat performer Cecconi as Champagne Lover with the Arab Horse Society , and then taking the animal to Market Rasen for a Society race .
18 After concluding the deal through an intermediary , John H. Ross , Collins arranged to have the case transferred from another judge and then sentenced the man to 42 months ' imprisonment despite a recommendation of eight years by the probation officer .
19 For the comprehension items , the tester speaks the two stimulus sentences — for example , ‘ The cat is behind the chair ’ ; ‘ The cat is under the chair ’ — and then requires the child to ‘ Show me the cat is under the chair ’ from a set of pictures .
20 I am not sure if Sir Henry Wood conducted it , for at that time he seemed to conduct only the first item of a concert , and then ceded the podium to Basil Cameron .
21 Several meetings were held with Mr Smith who explained how Wilgro would train him in the art of mushroom growing and then market the produce to the supermarkets where top prices are paid for the quality crops small growers can harvest .
22 This will involve reprocessing of the material to separate out the impurities and then diluting the uranium to a suitable specification for civil use .
23 You rub your right hand on your left elbow and then move the hand to her ear to see if the coin has come back yet .
24 Conflict might also take the form of faultfinding in the work of other departments : eg. Department X might duplicate the work of department Y — hoping to prove department Y ‘ wrong ’ — and then report the fact to senior management .
25 The managers interviewed in all four companies expected to initiate matters in the foreign language ( usually verbally — by telephone ; but also by producing draft written outlines of reports ) and then subcontracted the work to highly skilled subordinates , such as bilingual secretaries .
26 Lisabeth held back and then handed the bouquet to Fenella .
27 The phone was handed over to Erika , who confirmed the trip and then gave the phone to her mother , who exchanged a few banalities and then handed it to Omi , who cooed and clucked and finally returned it to Herr Nordern who said , briefly , that they all looked forward very much to seeing Karl again and firmly replaced the receiver before anyone else could claim it .
28 Some quote all-in prices inclusive of VAT , while others itemise everything separately , and then add the VAT to the total .
29 e ) mock interviews Students benefit enormously from being " interviewed " by people from industry and then having the opportunity to " debrief " , and so learn ways of improving self presentation .
30 Ian , a 42-year-old manufacturing engineer , says the aim is to make a success of this pilot centre and then offer the idea to local authorities around the country .
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