Example sentences of "[coord] if [pers pn] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If the property does not sell at all , or if it takes a long time to sell , the local authority search result may become dated .
2 On the one hand , it would seem that if a claim can be framed as one in contract or tort , or if it concerns a private legal right , it need not be brought under Ord. 53 even if the very ground on which the respondent 's action is alleged to be a tort or breach of contract is that it was illegal in a public law sense .
3 They found that a severe event was of most aetiological significance if it threatened a role , person or idea to which a woman was particularly committed ( established in an interview one year before ) or if it matched a long-standing major difficulty in the woman 's life .
4 For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached , or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received , or a different gospel from the one you accepted , you put up with it easily enough .
5 Second , four B , erm the proform substitution where a proform is like a pronoun or a proverb or if you fancy a pro-sentence erm sentence five Florence teased Dougal , and Brian did so too did so means teased Dougal the sentence for that is a proform .
6 Try them with Soave or Pinot wines or if you prefer a red Valpolicella or Bardolino .
7 If the meal you are attacking is lunch , or if you prefer a lighter dinner , it is becoming more and more acceptable ( indeed fashionable ! ) to eat two first courses and do away with the traditional entrée .
8 not a lot of cost , compared to what it will cost if you do n't make a will and there are complications or if you make a home-made will and there are complications .
9 Phone the police if you see anyone whom you regard as suspicious loitering close by or If you suspect a potential intruder is lurking nearby .
10 He does seem to suggest , that if you 're directly interested or if you have a direct interest in something you ca n't take an objective view , and I would say that actually , members have shown their ability to erm , to achieve something different from that , the way they wear different hats at different committees , Mr comes to mind where he will argue for the D S O's , at the D S O managing board , and for the client at Education Committee .
11 If you find that you worry about the imagined outcome of the bout and fear the worst or if you have a racing pulse , then I would say you are over-aroused and in danger of throwing everything away .
12 While parsnips , maincrop carrots , turnips and swedes are often left in the ground , covered with straw or leaves and dug as needed , they are better stored in boxes under cover if the soil is heavy and wet , or if you have a high soil pest population .
13 So if you see a flock of crows they are rooks , or if you see a solitary rook , it 's probably a crow !
14 ‘ I have to use my pension just to pay for food but it 's not enough to cover the bills or if you need a new coat or linen .
15 VAT is also charged on services : if , for example , you employ a plumber to repair a blocked sink , part of the bill would be VAT ; or if you bought a hot pie in a cafe ( instead of a cold one in a supermarket ) you would have to pay VAT .
16 If you are talking about more general studies or if you did a non-vocational course at college or university you should show how this demonstrates that you are capable of becoming interested in a wide range of subjects and could bring the same enthusiasm to your work .
17 The Panel will not regard an adviser as independent if he is in the same group as the financial adviser to an offeror , or if he has a significant interest in or financial connection with either an offeror or the target company of such a kind as to create a conflict of interest ( Rule 3.3 ) .
18 And if they 'd a bigger place than that there little rectory , there would n't be a stick of furniture neither ! ’
19 Students may complete the course at diploma level , and if they attain a satisfactory standard in the diploma examinations , they may proceed to the masters ' course .
20 The one thing they need is water , and if they find a damp surface in the home they will germinate and grow there quite happily over a wide range of temperatures , especially if the relative humidity of the air is above 70% for long periods .
21 A wipe down with a damp cloth is all that 's needed to keep them clean , and if they have a factory-finished polyester powder coating , they wo n't need to be redecorated for 15–20 years .
22 And if they buy a Big Mac burger or McChicken sandwich at the firm 's local restaurant , they 'll be entitled to another one free .
23 And if we assume a 1 per cent fall in interest rates , this £22,000 transfer value would increase to £30,000 ( because as interest rates drop , a larger sum needs to be invested to give a certain sum at a future date ; and vice versa ) .
24 Well , we , we may not actually need to go to the P W L B for money , because of the , because of the grant , we may actually get a hundred percent grant aid for this , and if we get a hundred perce hundred percent grant aid , we wo n't need to .
25 and if we have a close look hey there 's nobody in
26 And if she took a sudden dislike to a client , or observed one member behaving badly to another , her command , ‘ Out , cunt ! ’ , sent them packing .
27 And if she wants a new pair of shoes she 's got ta go to a new town and pay for them .
28 But there may not be any tax to pay on it if the pension comes from a former employer of hers , and if she has a National Insurance retirement pension from her own contributions the special ‘ wife 's earned income allowance ’ will be due .
29 Most girls would love a flower picture for their bedrooms , and if it has a sentimental significance as well then it will be even more appreciated .
30 ‘ I appreciate it , and if I get a nice sky in a picture then fine , I 'll manipulate it in the darkroom and make the best of it .
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