Example sentences of "[coord] which [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Buyers of commercial vehicles or heavy trucks , for instance , may prefer to buy products that they know will " feel right " to drivers , and which at the same time are straightforward for their maintenance crews to service .
2 The contracting parties shall therefore choose conversion modalities which do not cause any inflationary tendencies in the entire area of the monetary union and which at the same time increase the competitiveness of enterprises in the GDR .
3 It will be readily appreciated how important it is to agree on a name which reflects the separate identities ( and vanities ) of the firms involved without assuming Dickensian proportions and which at the same time commands the approval of any public relations consultant who has been engaged .
4 The significance of using this starting point , outside of the actors ' consciousness , can not be exaggerated , because it set Marx , Engels , and other Marxists on an analytical course which was fundamentally different from other social analysts of their time , and which to a certain extent still distinguishes Marxist analyses from many others .
5 An alternative procedure which businesses are increasingly using , and which to a certain extent obviates some of the disadvantages of seeking an exemption or negative clearance , is to request the Commission to issue comfort letters .
6 Before going on to examine the more detailed contributions of Russian Formalism to specific areas of literary studies , it might be worth pausing to assess the Formalist position by comparing it with the assumptions which it had set out to replace , and which to a certain extent continue to inform ( albeit implicitly ) critical studies still being produced today .
7 The tweedy lady , very county , who suffered from some extreme fungoid disease of her feet , which were wrapped in many layers of polythene and which in a public cinema would have guaranteed her a whole row to herself , but at the NFT caused whoever was unfortunate to have the adjoining numbered seat to retain vivid Aromavision memories of particular films .
8 It was Samuel Heinicke who pioneered the pure oral system of teaching the deaf in Germany with the foundation of his school in 1760 , a method of teaching which has persisted in that country ever since and which in the nineteenth century came to be known as the ‘ German System ’ .
9 They offered some credence to the contemporaneous growth in anti-semitism : limited and localized though this was , Jewish migrants were criticized and condemned in very similar terms to those later invoked against post-Second World War black immigrants , and which in the nineteenth century had been raised against the Irish .
10 For the next week I thought long and hard about undertaking an interview with the Queen Mother which would cover every aspect of her life but the great historical event which had changed it for ever ; which had propelled her and her husband to the throne , had made happy and glorious a reign which might otherwise have been disastrous , yet which was tragically cut short by illness and death , and which in the long run had made her far and away the most loved of all the members of the Royal Family .
11 However , the broadest distinction being made , and one which is of most relevance in the present context , is that between the ‘ good ’ ( baig ) and the ‘ bad ’ ( yabud ) — or , as I prefer , the helpful and the harmful , designations which have less of Western moral connotations and which in the particular context correspond more closely to Chewong associations .
12 And it means rising with Christ too ; rising to share in the new life which he makes possible , and which in the fullest detail Paul , in Romans chapter eight , ascribes to the Spirit of Jesus , resident within us .
13 On July 25-26 they moved into the building in Karantina , Beirut , which had formerly housed the Health Ministry but which during the civil war had become the headquarters of the LF .
14 Feminists need a more dynamic view of reading , one which maintains a political perspective , but which at the same time concedes that there is room for manoeuvre between text and audience .
15 The Government adverted to this problem in its White Paper , recognising that ‘ it is not easy to define in a manner which conforms with the normally precise definitions of the criminal law , but which at the same time is sufficiently general to catch the variety of conduct aimed at .
16 In consultation with colleges in 1989 , we planned the changeover to the new system over three years and three batches , providing , we hoped , a timetable which was not too rushed but which at the same time allowed centres to progress at a pace which met their candidates ' needs .
17 Even though banks hold only very small amounts of cash , they nevertheless hold a large amount of other relatively liquid assets which act as reserves , but which at the same time earn interest .
18 One alternative to such phrases lies in expressions of your own which are intended to convey more genuine , original response , but which within the overall register of academic essay-writing can sound uncritical or even gushing : " brilliant " , " fantastic " , " really wonderful " , " quite magical " , " unbelievably beautiful " .
19 This means that the process of totalization must be kept moving by the critical investigation itself on which it comes to depend but which by the same token it can never subsume .
20 The language feminists used to make this appeal was steeped in the evangelical tradition , which in the early and mid-nineteenth century had proved as successful as science in containing women , but which in the later part of the century was used by feminists to argue for an extension of maternal influence beyond the home .
21 The school is a snapshot of the American West , the great swath of the Plains between the Missouri River and the Rockies that makes up one fifth of continental America but which in the last generation has become known as the Empty Quarter , or the Dying Heart of the US .
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