Example sentences of "[coord] she [vb past] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Either she was losing her mind , or she 'd followed the wrong man .
2 It was difficult while they were actually in the centre , of course , but she made sure she did n't go for coffee or to the staff canteen at the same time as him and she 'd avoided the social club completely .
3 IMP had paid her generously , and she 'd hoarded the little money she 'd made on her flat once it had been sold , but it still had n't been enough to buy her somewhere to live .
4 ‘ You want to tuck them in well , ’ said Miss Maynard , as Harry immediately stopped crying and she began to demonstrate the correct way of settling him into his cot .
5 Her spirits drooped , and she began to dread the coming meeting with Lady Merchiston .
6 The difference was that the teacher in the first group really related to the material and to the children , and she had understood the underlying purpose and challenge of RE and was able to point up the discussion , listening carefully to what the children said and leading them on in their thinking .
7 The treatment meted out was degrading and she had hated the middle classes ever after .
8 She was afraid to look round again , but the other housemaid was ready to carry soup bowls to the table and she had to do the same .
9 And she had returned the following afternoon , carrying Timmy on her hip and the rest of her possessions in a backpack .
10 But whatever the reason behind it , if there was a reason and it was n't simply someone shaking up names in a box and picking one out here and there , it was like banging your head against a brick wall to attempt to fight against Movement Orders — here she was and she had to make the best of it .
11 There was nobody around , and she had to unlock the enormous oak doors herself , using both hands to turn the iron key , then pushing one of the doors open , her shoulder against it , before she was able to see outside .
12 She had dabbed powder over her lipstick to rob it of its bright crimson lustre , and she had forgotten the little pink patches of rouge that gave her cheeks their rosy healthy glow .
13 Apparently at this particular time there was a considerable amount of traffic on the road in question and traffic from one direction had halted in order to allow that the young girl and her friend to cross the road they began to cross on the zebra crossing but , as she reached the centre of the road Mrs was driving her vehicle in the opposite direction and she failed to stop the young girl , in her teens , was unable to take , avoiding acci action and she was knocked down as she crossed the road .
14 Long lashes lay in a fan on his cheeks , and she longed to smooth the ruffled dark hair away from his brow .
15 The air was soft and a little wet , and she enjoyed feeling the cool , damp dungy earth in her hands .
16 ‘ Switch off engine , ’ Dick commanded , and she let go the red button .
17 She confessed to being a good but plain cook and she wanted to create the right setting to clinch the deal .
18 It was unlikely that there would be many more occasions like this , and she wanted to make the most of it .
19 On the other hand she did not want to stand until dawn , and she did want the French words to go on being threaded together .
20 For a long moment their glances clashed like swords , then there was a shout behind her , and she turned to see the two men he 'd been talking to and a short stout woman in a dark overall running towards them .
21 What she needed was to sleep , and she tried to suppress the great mountain of self-pity that threatened to swamp her .
22 But she had to do the best she could .
23 But she had spent the whole long night playing at make-believe , so surely she could manage to play the game a while longer .
24 But she seemed to accept the Glaswegian accent and his story of having left Scotland for London in his teens .
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