Example sentences of "[coord] they can [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After accepting payment in dollars , oil-exporting countries can decide to keep their enlarged surpluses in this form , either in deposits or in longer-term investments , or they can switch into other currency assets .
2 They can do if they want or they can progress onto other rooms to get time back that way , but anyway , ca n't you ? we have er a target to meet on the programme of X percentage time and they will meet that far Wednesday afternoon so we have n't continued and shown
3 " The representatives should as soon as possible furnish themselves with a licence , and they can go to any magistrate at hand without any formality requiring a day 's delay " ( Cook v. Gray ( 1891 ) 29 S.L.R. 249 per Lord President Robertson ) .
4 Presumably they acquire this knowledge when the tide is high and they can swim from one basin to another , and they are able to translate that information into a mental picture of their entire territory .
5 Polish housewives no longer have to spend two hours a day in queues , and they can choose between 15 brands of mineral water , when once only one diesel-flavoured Polish brand was on offer .
6 It 's quite normal for a mum to feel like that and they can talk to each other about it and support each other .
7 and they can look at this anytime .
8 And they can look at the horn and they can look at these things and they can look this is weld which is the herb that 's used to produce the green the yellow of the green .
9 ‘ It 's more convenient , it 's probably cheaper overall and they can deal with each other face to face .
10 But they do n't spread tha out of this way , but they can spread in this bit quite quickly , cos there 's nothing to stop it going around there , at all .
11 The viruses are inactivated by removing most of their pathogenic sequences , but they can recombine with wild type viruses in the environment .
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