Example sentences of "[coord] that he [verb] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Conveyancing documents should include a certificate by the purchaser saying either that he had been fully advised by a wholly independent practitioner or that he had declined such advice — and the certificate should contain a prominent ‘ health warning ’ against declining to take it .
2 And I says only that he 's gone to back to J J and I says , and that he 'd had enough .
3 In spite of Hutchinson 's claims that he had 20,000 members in the Mansfield district , and large numbers of followers in Lancashire and other industrial areas , and that he had printed hundreds of thousands of copies of the National Worker , there was no evidence that he had any members in his organization .
4 At last the ordeal ceased — so abruptly that Lexandro imagined that his body had evaporated , vanished , and that he had become pure spirit .
5 A 16 year old who spoke at a Young Enterprise presentation admitted that he was not much of a public speaker and that he had become disaffected with school where he had ‘ failed ’ regularly .
6 In what was widely seen as an attempt to exact vengeance on Clinton , Nichols had issued a federal lawsuit which claimed that the Governor had had extra-marital affairs with at least five women , and that he had misused official funds in entertaining them .
7 He hung on to the semicircular rail around the outer edge , where they were standing because the businessmen who had got in after them had jostled them there , and she saw that his eyes were closed and that he had gone gray with fear about the drop .
8 He realized that we felt disgusted at what had been achieved in the commandos and that he had had this brainwave of small parties behind the lines . ’
9 The Slovak parliament 's defence and security committee alleged that Meciar was registered with the security police or StB from 1985 and that he had removed incriminating evidence and promoted loyal former agents in the Slovak Interior Ministry after November 1989 .
10 In a This Week interview screened by Thames Television in June , Mr Ryan , 59 , admitted he was a republican sympathiser and that he had bought electronic equipment , which it is alleged found its way into IRA bombs .
11 He woke in a fury two hours afterward , and said that she had upset his rhythm and that he had to make some calls .
12 She told him that they could n't possibly stay down here , and that he had to make some effort to escape .
13 The Sikorsky 's commander reported that the helicopter was heavy and that he needed to use high power ( varying between 75 and 95 per cent torque ) to hover-taxi .
14 It 's common talk that Alfred is round the twist and that he 's got worse recently , since his mother died .
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