Example sentences of "[coord] i [modal v] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Her nightmares had deeply affected Richard , and so Beth had told her husband , ‘ Either they stay close by where I can hear them should they need me … or I 'll arrange for the children , and myself , to move to the east end of the house . ’
2 ‘ Walk with me , or I 'll charge for every swish . ’
3 Or I can go for a brand new what I 've had before , you know not the special edition
4 ‘ You have them next weekend and I 'll look for a house . ’
5 An attacking partner would be ideal , and I would go for the left-handed Woolley , one of the most rapid-scoring or batsmen , particularly against fast bowling .
6 I shall nevertheless vote against the motion and I shall vote for the amendment although as much as I wished it had happened or , or erm a different proposal to Mr because I do n't think it helps your argument when you call your opponents instead of arguing face and er unlike Mr I actually do believe its in subsidiarity and I think we should accept Leicester and Leicester only and what the Leicester hunt will do should be decided here in Leicester , not in Westminster , er any more than the composition of our offices should be , should be decided in Brussels and I believe in subsidiarity .
7 He gave me £30 a week and I 'd pay for the bills , £12 rent , £5.50 for two bags of coal and the rest went on food .
8 What I will tell you , and I will tell for the very first time , is that I personally dealt with people whose future may well have been considered under the terms of the AMO .
9 I have emphasized the part played by people like Jack Johnson in uplifting the morale of other blacks and providing reference points for the ambitions of many , and I will argue for the importance of successful black sportsmen in galvanizing blacks ' interests .
10 But I would opt for a self-catering package which enable you to take full advantage of the excellent weekly markets .
11 ‘ No , but I 'll wait for a word with Leon . ’
12 ‘ I 'm afraid it 's too late now for the burial , ’ he said , ‘ but I can arrange for the body to be buried tomorrow . ’
13 My son did n't live more than a few hours , but I can feel for the parents of that little girl .
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