Example sentences of "[coord] i [verb] [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Like Ricky and me clinging on to the past , thought Daisy .
2 It was the last day of shooting and they did n't need us till nine o'clock that morning , so Keenan [ Wynn ] and me went over to the bar and had a couple there and I said , ‘ You know , Keenan , it 's gon na be a long hot day so we 'd better stop off at the drug store and buy a jug . ’
3 Derek and me went along to the new wans Christening and he was like a tink !
4 What we are saying there are other emergencies and I get down to the word loneliness now is there any reason why senior citizens should n't have the facility whereby they can make telephone calls if those , they so desire , to members of the family who in many instances they have n't seen for long periods of time ?
5 And I looked up to the air and saw the air in amazement .
6 When they were well out of the way we made tracks for home and I looked forward to a quiet evening .
7 I now had the incentive to train even harder , and I looked forward to the outdoor season with considerable relish .
8 ‘ Sergeant Jennings here will make some tea , then she 'll stay with you while Mr Morgan and I go over to the stables .
9 ‘ So , in the meantime — ’ it was almost as though he 'd read her mind ! ‘ — I suggest that you and I go back to the party .
10 A love song on the crackly Holiday Inn radio which the maid always switches on as her final flourish after she 's done the room ( Hugo and I go down to the pool and swim and use the sauna while we wait for her to finish ) or a pop song on the telly as Hugo and I eat our continental breakfast ( orange juice , coffee , a croissant and a Danish each ) , too languid even to stretch out for the remote control and switch it off — will make tears come to my eyes : move me with the desire to say , You do love me , do n't you !
11 Cos that really got up , up my back when the , I mean tho ai n't a ba , bad bunch of old boys but I normally go down but they they clear and once we 've done our work before dinner break they all clear off and I go down to the and then I sort of walk back more or less behind them you know , to the break like and as I go past the club , I go and wash my hands , they go straight in , I go and wash my hands and I walk past the and er we should go to dinner at quarter to twelve and I go past , it 's one minute past quarter to twelve so cos when we go in there you see quarter past twelve due to go back I always give them two or three minutes and I say that 's it , that 's , ah we was late coming in , I said no you were n't !
12 And I popped out to the shop on Sunday the second of November and came back totally and utterly bemused to see them putting a christmas tree up and father christmas in the window and fairy lights all over the place .
13 Doug Wimbish started playing harmonics on that funny Guild bass ( the rubber-stringed Ashbory model — Ed ) and I got down to a really quiet moment , and suddenly Phil just surprised the hell out of us with this keyboard patch !
14 He is a forestry expert and has a small stud as a hobby , so now the stables are being used again and I wake up to the clop-clop of horses ' hooves on the cobbles in the morning .
15 But she opened the door just like I wanted and I shot through to the living room only to encounter more men in dark clothes , too many for me to tolerate .
16 On one side was the flower-garden view ; on the other , one window had been bricked up at the time when windows were taxed , and I walked over to the remaining window .
17 The man moved away , in surprise , and I walked over to the desk .
18 By then it was too late to get the room and I walked back to the spot where I had committed the robbery .
19 The police sounded surprised that I had bothered to call them , and I walked back to the boatyard feeling strangely foolish .
20 We assembled our rods in the shelter of the old boathouse on the south shore and I strode purposefully to the loch , almost as a matter of principal .
21 I walk out to the bus , I get on the bus at the end of Care Street , I walk right along Care Street , right up Dawsons Street , brisk walk and then I 'm walking around the garage , I do n't do that much walking now , the bloody car , but I take a walk at lunchtime and I walk down to the bar , walking , if you walk , that would be total couple of miles a day
22 So a male companion and I drove up to the starting point in Glen Lyon , a few miles east of Bridge of Balgie where a bridge crosses the River Lyon to a cattle farm .
23 Denis and I drove in to the theatre .
24 As Princess Flavia and I drove back to the palace in an open car , one man in the crowd called out , ‘ When 's the wedding ? ’
25 so that they are fully trained and ready to handle the problems that might arise erm there is , however , cause for some er optimism and I refer specifically to the recreational page from the Estuaries Consultation Document from English Nature and in one of their er proposals and objectives they say encouraging self regulation and observance of Code of Practice by local clubs and groups to avoid clon conflict with and or disturbance to other users including nature conservation interests .
26 There was nobody in the passage and I ran along to the locked room .
27 We reached Mandalay and I went straight to the Winchester Mission where dear Willie Garrad looked shocked to see me and said in a scandalised voice , ‘ Oh , but you ca n't possibly stay here ’ — it was a Brotherhood you see !
28 He said , ‘ That is a pity ’ , with his smiling , still mouth , and he got back in the car and drove away , and Elizabeth went back in the house , and all the day she cried , and I went away to the hills .
29 The bar was full , I could see that through the saloon window and I went round to the yard at the rear .
30 My wife and I went up to the pay booth .
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