Example sentences of "[coord] not in the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Law Society published guidelines in question and answer form as to accounting for commission received on 23 October 1991 in 88 L S Gazette 33. ( b ) Professional undertakings An undertaking given by a solicitor in the course of his practice or by his employee on his behalf or by a solicitor qua solicitor ( whether or not in the course of his practice ) and made with the intent that it should be relied upon is binding in law upon that solicitor personally .
2 a ) the remuneration of , and any expenses incurred by , listing officers in carrying out their functions under the Act ( including the remuneration and expenses of persons , whether or not in the service of the Crown , to assist them ) ;
3 Putting aside these cases of major civil strife it is possible to discern some consistency in the pattern of apparently arbitrary economic decisions taken by governments , whether or not in the form of ‘ great leaps ’ .
4 These two cone types are present in almost equal numbers , and not in the ratio of 2:1 that has been postulated for the human fovea .
5 For Moore , on the occasion of his 105th appearance in England colours , it became a miserable exposure to the inevitability of decline , an uncharacteristic positional error enabling Lubanski to surge through for the second of Poland 's two goals ; the famed captain would play only three more times for his country , and not in the climax to the qualifying group , five months later at Wembley .
6 And note 62/6/2 emphasises that ‘ the right of a mortgagee to his costs of a redemption or foreclosure suit is a matter of contract and not in the discretion of the court , except where he has ‘ unreasonably instituted or carried on or resisted any proceedings . ’ ’
7 Greece remains the remarkably rewarding market it has always been , but here again the growth is in the number of serious players and not in the size of the market itself .
8 The infinitives of such verbs are found only where the person of their support is specified ( We want it to snow ) , but not when the support is left undefined , as in certain exclamations , and not in the function of subject ( * To snow is pleasant ) .
9 It may , of course , happen that he deliberately holds himself out as a partner for his own private benefit and not in the course of his work or in the interests of the firm .
10 Now although we can differentiate the products er agricultural products , we can only do that at the very final stage in processing , by and large , where there 's much less scope after product differentiation right , at the er the raw material erm level , which is where most agricultural trade continues er , most trade in agricultural products is in the raw commodity , not the refined commodity the refining , there might be the processing and the manufacturing , tend to occur in the country of consumption and not in the country of production a number of complicated , erm political reasons erm alright , but the but because there is n't the scope for product differentiation alright , we have n't witnessed an increase in intra industry trade in agricultural goods whereas we have done for manufactured goods because there is scope for intra industry trade er yeah scope for product differentiation .
11 We must face the issue seriously and not in the way in which the Prime Minister faced the issue at Harare when he said that he would write off some of the debts in return for the acceptance of an economic model imposed by the International Monetary Fund , and say that there has to be a write-off of debt .
12 You 're feeling very languid and lazy and not in the mood for ‘ keeping house ’ and barking at all-comers .
13 Strangely , the fracture planes pass through the middle of the vertebrae and not in the spaces between them .
14 We feel it is now right and proper that the debate is to be had and that our roots , our heritage and our future are defended on our terms and in our forums and not in the editorials of Sunday newspapers , and as for les people 's letters to the newspapers , and Kinnock and co saying to people , individual members , why should the Labour Party not trust you with the choice of your candidate , it is you who do the work to get them elected , who are they kidding ?
15 Lawyers for the Barnes Foundation sought to keep Ms Samet from testifying , arguing that she was an expert in paintings conservation and not in the preparation of works of art for travel .
16 This appears to your Directors to be unreasonable and not in the interests of the Company .
17 I was eager that Burma should remain within the British Commonwealth , for the sake of Burma and not in the interests of Britain and her trade .
18 Suppose that he refused his consent for corrupt motives , or in bad faith … for party-political reasons , and not in the interests of the public at large … or because he considered that the information was laid by a pressure group , of which he disapproved …
19 The charge of political bias laid at the door of critics , and the claim that their own scientific activities were neutral , leaves only one way out — to make out that the problem lies in technical factors of production that constrain maximum yield performance in maize , and not in the interrelationship between social conditions of inequality and the new technologies which CIMMYT and IRRI were developing .
20 Within the pueblo all are moral equals and this moral equality overlay social distinctions based on wealth ; wealth has its social expressions in the creation of bonds of obligation ( god-parenthood , for instance ) and not in the snobbery of conspicuous waste , absurd in a society where economic status is evaluated exactly by gossip .
21 For Locke , then , personal identity consists in an identity of consciousness , and not in the identity of some substance whose essence it is to be conscious .
22 The discovery that otherwise enigmatic denarii struck in the name of a deified empress called Domitilla contain the higher level of silver has shown that her coins were struck in this period and not in the reign of the previous emperor , Titus .
23 The law recognises that the shareholders ' interest lies ultimately in the value of their shares and not in the business as such , or at least , it recognises that it should be the shareholders who determine the outcome of a bid , and hence ( as we will see in more detail in Chapter 5 ) prohibits certain forms of defensive action on the part of the target company board which could have the effect of depriving the members of an opportunity to dispose of their investment on favourable terms .
24 I only just caught the train , and when , a quarter of an hour later , we pulled in to Lochgair , and I should have got my bag and quit the Sprinter and walked to the house and finally have talked — sober , and not in the context of a game of Alternative Charades — to my father , and apologised , and spent the three hours until the next Glasgow train with my mother and father in some longed-for spirit of reconciliation , I did nothing of the sort .
25 Nationalisation plans were tentative and not in the forefront of his measures to keep full employment .
26 One point to remember ( it is consistent with Friedman 's account ) is that a person may have limited authority ( e.g. , in matters concerning football only , or in military affairs but not in the conduct of the economy ) .
27 She will no doubt maintain her interest in the progress of the project , but not in the child in any possessive sense .
28 True , they are filter-feeders , but not in the sense of turning a dirty , unmaintained , pea-soup pond crystal clear .
29 Quantum mechanics puts me in the position of a canny bookmaker who can calculate the odds that a horse may win in the course of the season but not in the position of Our Newmarket Correspondent who claims to be able to forecast the outcome of a particular race .
30 One mutant ( H197K ) showed a 5-fold reduction in affinity for substance P but not in the affinities of other neurokinin peptides ( data not shown ) , which may indicate a perturbation of the substance P-receptor interaction as a result of the longer side chain and/or the positive charge of Lys197 .
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