Example sentences of "[coord] have [verb] [pron] of the " in BNC.

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1 It is not simply that the former communist societies in Eastern Europe were characterized , to a greater or lesser extent , by relative economic backwardness and political authoritarianism , and consequently had little appeal as models for the future development of any advanced industrial society , but that the democratic socialism of social democratic and labour parties in the capitalist world , despite its real achievements in improving the conditions of life of the working class , has come to be more critically judged as tending to promote an excessive centralization of decision making , growth of bureaucracy and regulation of the lives of individuals , and has lost something of the persuasive character it once had as a movement aiming to create a new civilization .
2 When he is shown a pair of faces and has to decide which of the two is a celebrity , he performs at chance level , even though he performs almost as well as normal subjects on this task when the faces are replaced by their names .
3 But she had never felt at home with him , perhaps because , with his confident good looks and the air of arrogance in his bearing , he seemed both to represent and to have absorbed something of the mystery and potency of the power he operated .
4 In response , Robert Gelbard , who ended his three-year term as US ambassador on July 5 , stated that Alcoreza was corrupt and that the whole naval contingent in Santa Ana was protecting the drug traffickers and had informed them of the raid .
5 Suppose a man knows nothing of trusts and trustees , but has heard something of the separate use , leaves property — say £1,000 — to his married daughter ‘ for her separate use ’ .
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