Example sentences of "[coord] [vb infin] [pron] [noun pl] on the " in BNC.

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1 In a further indication of the desire among party members to see an end to the public attacks , David Clark , the convener of Motherwell North SNP — which includes the Mossend branch — called on the party to unite and concentrate its attacks on the Conservatives and Labour .
2 These parties of mine have become something of an institution , and I am expecting a large number of people to come in and give their comments on the results in various constituencies .
3 Apparently what the erm busmen do is they have to make sure that they get to where they 're meant to be on time otherwise they get their pay docked but they like to stop off and see their friends on the way , and stop and have cups of tea
4 Don Caskie got a try and all the players a warning from coach keith richardson … he says they 'll have to improve and mind their manners on the field before the next big game against Bath in two weeks time
5 It was some time before she could gather her forces sufficiently to stand up and rest her hands on the chill white plaster of the window embrasure .
6 I can only apologize , we 'll try and get his legs on the right way again when he comes back from Spain .
7 H well , back to obscurity , ’ a Tory MP muttered to his colleague yesterday as they passed a journalist who failed to leap forward and solicit their views on the party leadership .
8 Then that night , just before the offensive was due to start , they would slip down and place their bombs on the parked enemy aircraft .
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