Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] it [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This enabled us to calculate the ratio of cortex to ganglion cells for the region enclosed within the labelled sites and to compare it with the same ratio obtained for the rest of the retina .
2 Two men climb the rock to check that all has been eaten and to clean it for the next burial .
3 The aim here is to look at its political and social repercussions and to set it in the wider context of central-local administrative relations .
4 This is the time to know how fear works and to tackle it in the right way .
5 Very significant was the movement by ecologists towards trophic-dynamic ecology which was developed by Lindeman in a classic paper published in 1942 which built upon earlier conceptual frameworks and treated natural ecosystems on the basis of the capacity of their primary producers ( photosynthetic plants ) to capture part of the incident solar and atmospheric energy , and to incorporate it into the dry organic matter that would subsequently yield it to the grazing and decay food webs .
6 The Bolsheviks were merciless in their attack on the government for frustrating the movement for self-determination , which they interpreted as the right to secede , to create a new State , and to do it through the direct action of the peoples concerned without awaiting the approval of the central Government .
7 On present thinking , it would be more logical to treat it as revision and to do it at the later stage .
8 A man has a right to take credit for past success and to attribute it to the real cause .
9 But two years of severe drought in the region have prompted suggestions to give the project a higher priority and to build it over the next two years rather than the next 14 , as originally planned .
10 For when God freely wills to take on Himself the world 's suffering , He does so in order to absorb it , to transform it and to overcome it by the positive power of His eternal and unchanging love .
11 Our aim is to bring together work in these areas , and to direct it towards the specific problem of global warming .
12 And to insert it between the third and fourth word can change the meaning rather dramatically .
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