Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] [adv prt] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There were two options available at this stage — either to manually tag the corpus or to try out some automatic determination of the tags .
2 They have caused fear and suspicion and encouraged people to look for abuse where there is none , or to dress up actual sexual abuse of children with ‘ satanic ’ imputations .
3 There is a continual need to appraise existing techniques , to seek refinements and to search out new instrumental methods of examination which have more to offer in speed , accuracy or range of elements found .
4 The agency will also have powers to charge private companies for " permits to pollute " , and to carry out such environmental monitoring work as is required by law .
5 requiring the defendant to comply with the abatement or prohibition notice or otherwise abate the nuisance in a specified time , and to carry out any necessary works ,
6 The many and varied attempts by governments both to take over foreign assets and to set up new state-owned businesses , have seldom been successful .
7 To establish how the advisors shall report on their activities to the investors , and to set out any other conditions which the investors may wish to establish .
8 Joint commitments were also given to promote human rights , to respect international law , to support an international summit on children , to protect the environment and to call on further international assistance to fight the spread of cholera and drug trafficking .
9 The same power has been used to control potentially unruly crowds going to football matches , and to turn back would-be picketing miners at some distance from the scene where they wished to express their displeasure .
10 And what I find interesting is that it 's the sheer vitality of the English sound — it 's not just the Liverpool sound , it 's the English sound — the vitality , the sensuality , the letting one 's hair down quality , that is exactly what the Continentals admired in Dunstable , and strangely enough in a way what Elgar 's got — this incredible sort of desire not to be over formal and to break down certain formal barriers which seems to be so characteristic of English music .
11 The aim of Kundalini Yoga is to intercept the normal oscillation of polarized life-energy by the practice of controlled breathing , and to close down these two channels forcing the life-energy into the Brahma Nadi , the hair-thin central duct situated within the Sushumna Kundalini .
12 Our intention has not been to present any firm typology so much as to indicate the possibilities for variations in visionary style , and to map out some important dimensions of visionary leadership .
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