Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] [conj] the [noun] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Another way of thinking of this is to return to the tap metaphor and to see that the tap represents demands and the glass represents resources .
2 We must ensure that there is local flexibility when assessing housing benefit so that it is sufficient to meet the charges that are imposed locally and to ensure that the gap does not widen .
3 If the disease is severe , it is advisable to give parenteral iron and to ensure that the dog has a protein-rich-diet .
4 We wish to draw up a family code to protect women 's rights in the home and to ensure that the family becomes a more socialized structure .
5 It is therefore essential that the chief surveyor , director , or other member of the management team maintains a watching brief to monitor the accuracy of measurement and to ensure that the surveyor has sufficient time to achieve his objectives .
6 This is the moment for local and national societies to put forward schemes for alternative uses in detail and to question whether the church has been marketed in an effective fashion .
7 The aim is to assess what has happened , and to decide whether the child needs protection .
8 If you spend your life on one island or in one place , it is all too easy to become parochial in your outlook , and to think that the world begins and ends there in your back garden .
9 Make a few test recordings before you start the session in earnest in order to get used to the set-up and to check that the wording sounds as good when spoken as it looks on the page .
10 Modern government has a strategic role , not to replace the market but to ensure that the market works properly .
11 But to say that the devil finds work for idle hands to do is misleading because hypermoralistic or ( if meant literally ) hypertheological .
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