Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] [pron] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I thought , what 's worse : to be the lover of some guy on screen , even see the relationship in bed , or to shoot somebody else on the screen ?
2 Simply to dismiss their work as ‘ pessimistic ’ , however , or to use it emblematically as a naive position which we now know better than to take seriously , seems to me hopelessly to devalue the currency of critique .
3 It was a sensation to me , a novice , but the experienced experimentalist learns the tricks of the trade , knows what mistakes to avoid and when weird things happen tries to investigate or to file them away in the memory — just in case .
4 The aim of coping responses in event-producing situations ( arrow d , Figure 7.1 ) must be either to reduce the likelihood that a severe event will occur ( perhaps by seeking marriage guidance counselling to help resolve marital difficulties ) , or to prepare oneself emotionally for the distressing event which is likely or certain to occur ( compulsory redundancy , say ) .
5 If one accepts that comparable hypotheses may explain differential phenomenology ( such as the different experiences of motion-perception previously described ) , then his work shows that it is in principle possible for a creature incapable of experiencing distinct shapes to be aware of motion and to ascribe it correctly to an individual object .
6 The combination has impelled manufacturing and service enterprises in almost all sectors to search for larger markets abroad , and to establish themselves there in an ‘ insider position ’ ( Best , 1990 : p. 260 ; Milner and Yoffie , 1989 ) .
7 In the early days , the salesman behind the counter had served to promote the merits of different products , and to wrap them carefully for the customer 's homeward journey .
8 Any sort of boat could have been used to ferry a body to midstream and to put it gently over the side in darkness .
9 Heady stuff , and to reject it outright with a condescending intellectual leer would have felt like a return trip down the chute into futility ; but now , with the radio offering a bleaker view of things , I was less certain why I 'd agreed so eagerly to meet him in the library of the Hall this morning .
10 The Citation rolled slowly on to its left side as Duncan fought to keep it flying and to keep it away from the airliner .
11 Traditionally , it was usual to take the upwind wing-tip and to hold it slightly below the horizontal .
12 It was Freeth 's custom to write songs — setting his words to popular tunes — about remarkable events in local and national news , and to sing them nightly to the company assembled at his Coffee House .
13 This was to draw the ‘ poor ’ and ‘ middle ’ peasants away from the private trade of the ‘ rich ’ and to turn them eventually towards an alliance ( smychka ) with urban inhabitants .
14 When James did succeed to the throne in 1685 , the pro-Catholic and pro-French orientation of foreign policy was naturally maintained , and the new king made strenuous efforts both to return England to the papal fold and to realign her fully with the international Catholic axis .
15 By and large , we are talking about commuter lines designed to bring people from the south-east to central London in the morning and to take them home in the evening .
16 The withdrawal from the world , the silence , the disciplines of community and the deliberate cult of monotony in a system where everybody wears the same clothes and does the same things day after day have been found to support the mystic during his frequently lonely journey , to earth him in reality and to wean him away from an excitement and drama that is inimical to the mystical experience .
17 Dino Zoff , the Lazio manager , decided to pick Gazza only on Saturday — and to tell him shortly before the kick-off .
18 The successful communicator selects just those features which differ from this schema , enabling the receiver to adjust it and to bring it closer to the individual instance which is being described .
19 We must see how this doubt develops and be careful to presuppose only what we know to be true and to commit ourselves consciously to the consequences of these suppositions .
20 It was characteristic of the radical agitational movements in Derry to echo ideas which were already widely accepted , but to put them forward in a more aggressive , combative and militant style .
21 I have very unpleasant recollections of sitting for him , for it was of utmost importance not to move but to fix him right in the eye and listen to him complain , saying as he always did that he was getting nowhere .
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