Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For ordinary people in undernourished Bucharest to regard the trinkets of capitalism as the symbols of liberty as well as the rewards of prosperity is understandable , but to have the wealth of twenty-three million Romanians to squander at one 's will and to choose to watch Kojak or to sit on the sort of lumpish gilt furniture that Western department stores export to their Arab allies would not have suited Caligula .
2 Failure to pay can result in our applying to the court for power to deduct arrears from your income or to arrange for the sale of your goods to recover the amount due .
3 The Insurer shall be entitled to take over the conduct in the name of an Insured Person in the defence or settlement of any claim or to prosecute in the name of an Insured Person for its own benefit any claim for indemnity or damages or otherwise and shall have full discretion in the conduct of any proceedings and in the settlement of any claim .
4 No admission offer promise payment or indemnity shall be made or given by or on behalf of the Policyholder without the written consent of the Corporation which shall be entitled if it so desires to take over and conduct in the name of the Policyholder the defence or settlement of any claim or to prosecute in the name of the Policyholder for its own benefit any claim for indemnity or damages or otherwise and shall have full discretion in the conduct of any proceedings or in the settlement of any claim and the Policyholder shall give all such information and assistance as the Corporation may require .
5 No admission offer promise payment or indemnity shall be made or given by or on behalf of the Policyholder or any person claiming to be indemnified without the written consent of the Corporation which shall be entitled if it so desires to take over and conduct in the name of the Policyholder or such person the defence or settlement of any claim or to prosecute in the name of the Policyholder or such person for its own benefit any claim for indemnity or damages or otherwise and shall have full discretion in the conduct of any proceedings or in the settlement of any claim and the Policyholder or such person shall give all such information and assistance as the Corporation may require .
6 The House of Representatives adjourned to enable Congressmen either to watch or to march in the procession of delegates past the east front of the Capitol .
7 In addition she required government approval to leave Singapore or to participate in the activities of any organization .
8 Sophia sighed but did not answer , for on such an occasion as this there was n't really time to go into whether Penelope particularly liked Rupert Stonebird or not or to embark on the sort of explanation that a man could n't be expected to understand .
9 For the critic concerned to identify the narrative structures of the contemporary romance form , there is actually no need to apply a semiological analysis to the twelve volumes of a Mills and Boon monthly output , or to draw upon the morphology of the folk-tale , as some theorists have undertaken .
10 A check of the water 's temperature is often made on the spot and smaller samples may also be taken and treated immediately to enable a measurement of dissolved oxygen to be made , or to fix for the presence of certain substances such as cyanide .
11 This Congress was convened to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the death of the Abbe de l'Epee a foremost pioneer in the history of deaf education , and was intended " to prove the progress which had been accomplished during the last century in the moral , material and social condition of the adult deaf and dumb ; therefore this Congress will not have anything to do with , or to remark on the methods of teaching which is not in its province " .
12 But they were very difficult to prove , or to use as the basis of generalization , because of the difficulty of isolating TV as a causal factor .
13 Thus , there was no significant tendency to pick one colour rather than another ( 58/120 red responses , 62/120 green responses ) , or to respond with the colour of the rightmost shape ( 64/120 ) , but a strong tendency to pick the colour of the symmetrical shapes ( 96/120 , P= 0.01 ) .
14 Resources in an economy can be used to produce goods and services for immediate use ( consumption ) , or to add to the stock of fixed capital or inventories ( investment ) .
15 It can only be up to ourselves to either be seduced by this sly trickster and his façade of grandeur or to laugh in the face of his absurdity and bring forth the somewhat obscured benevolence of God , his son , and our first ancestral parents , to achieve some perspective to the poem as a whole .
16 Those less wealthy are forced to see their training as a means of gaining work abroad , so as to repay education loans or to pay for the schooling of a younger member of the family .
17 You failed to connect the various elements together or to move through the detail to the larger issues of the painting .
18 Ca n't the Watch Committee … rid the police of the hooligan element … gangs of young and hefty idlers squat on the pavement or lurk in subways to annoy passers-by , to play tricks on defenceless shop assistants , or to gamble in the face of the public .
19 The answer is to cut out a small square of plasterboard ( or to cut through the laths in the same way ) , cut a narrow notch in the nogging to allow the cable through , and then replace the plasterboard , nailing it in place either side of the notch , and making good with filler .
20 The bailees implied duties normally include not to convert the goods nor to deviate in the case of a carrier 's obligation to follow his stipulated route .
21 French President Mitterrand said on Jan. 15 that " France is not ready to bow to American demands , nor to submit to the interests of any other country , and will not give way " .
22 You have only to think of the situation in which a mother is terrified of thunder and panics whenever she hears it , rushing to close the curtains and to cower in the corner of the room .
23 The pioneer of bee research Karl von Frisch recalls ( and we have observed ) instances in which the trained foragers began to anticipate subsequent moves and to wait for the feeder at the presumptive new location .
24 The partners have taken the pay cut until next March to see if interest rates fall and to wait for the launch of a new product .
25 Once it has chosen a mate , it will probably remain loyal to mate and to burrow for the rest of its life — and one ringed Manx shear water is known to have lived for at least twenty-nine years .
26 On the future of the party , Gorbachev declared that the CPSU " has neither the political nor the moral right to absolve itself from the responsibility for the destiny of the reform programme , to shirk its role and to retire to the wayside of the social process " .
27 A parent is legally bound to feed , clothe , house , not to mistreat , and to see to the education of his own children , but not those of his neighbour ; although those next door are legally protected against anyone 's abuse or assault .
28 The executive council also expressed concern at the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait , and asked the Director-General to send a mission of inquiry and to report on the conditions of workers and employers and their associations in that country .
29 Their competence was further questioned when it was resolved that , ‘ Messrs. Brunel and Burn be requested to examine further the plans proposed by Messrs. Angell and Pownall to be omitted , and to report to the Judges at their next meeting ’ .
30 The London International Stock Exchange yesterday voted to bring the costly Taurus paperless trading fiasco to an end and kill the project , and the Bank of England established a task force on securities settlement following an approach by the Stock Exchange , to consider best way forward for development of securities settlement , share registration and share transfer in the UK and to identify possible alternatives to Taurus , having regard to speed of implementation , cost , ownership , governance and financing , as well as system structure , to recommend a preferred option and to make recommendations for managing its implementation and to report to the governor of the Bank of England by the end of June 1993 at the latest ; the abandonment of project , which cost the Exchange £75m and City firms preparing for it a lot more , cost 220 direct employees and another 130 contractors their jobs .
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