Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] [noun] [conj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But he was usually mild in manner , especially with subordinates , to whom he was ready to devolve responsibilities and to give support when the business or political going got rough .
2 On the contrary , the conditions governing pension should be such as to encourage every person who can go on working after reaching pensionable age , to go on working and to postpone retirement and the claiming of a pension . ’
3 As Bishop Brinton said , it had been to restore a rightful heir to his kingdom and to defeat tyranny that the campaign in northern Spain had been fought in 1367 .
4 One moment she was directing Maria in the making of knead cakes , the next she was taken with a sensation of wishing to bear down , no pains preceding it , and had a struggle to get herself to bed and to have Ferdinando and the midwife sent for .
5 Not only is this arrogant but also a sure way to lose power and to convince others that the meeting is not worthwhile .
6 Fearing the latter ( although all missiles fired as of the end of January turned out to be conventionally armed ) , the population was advised to don gas masks , and to take refuge until the all-clear sounded in sealed rooms which they had been instructed to prepare on the top floor of their homes .
7 Even so , there is still a strong case for the regulating authorities to maintain one office whose sole job is to seek out weakness , anticipate encroachments on the standard of safety and to take action before the hazard becomes dangerous .
8 De Gaulle used the extraordinary powers granted to him in June to introduce a set of major economic measures , which were intended to remedy these problems and to show France and the world that a state worthy of the name was now in charge .
9 ‘ T was regrettable , of course , though you obviously had little choice but to abandon modesty when the need was so imperative .
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