Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] not [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A consequence of this duty is that a fiduciary must make available to a [ customer ] all the information in his possession which is relevant to the [ customer 's ] affairs ; ( 4 ) The duty of confidentiality : a fiduciary must use information obtained in confidence from his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , for the benefit of the [ customer ] and must not use it for his own advantage or for the benefit of any other person .
2 — He understood very little of what was said to him in the Outpatient Clinic and could not explain it to his wife .
3 Naidoo reiterated that the NSC was expecting Sacu to come to a decision and could not ease it for them by offering guarantees of future tours .
4 In my own case I know that the first link produces the last through the intermediate link , and could not produce it without .
5 However , the optical properties of a simple calcite lens in contact with water are such that it transmits light in a diffused way and can not bring it to a sharply focused point .
6 My source tells me : ‘ The firemen were very helpful and attempted to remove the offending smoke sensor but could not isolate it from the system so the demonstration continued with shorter cooking times and lower temperatures to reduce the flames .
7 England had a target of 240 in 140 minutes , but could not meet it in the end , and as a result the Test was drawn .
8 I reach up and bolt the door , which I am not to , but can not control it for once .
9 The Triumph company can continue marketing its flagship 125 bhp model in Britain but can not sell it in other EC countries .
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