Example sentences of "[coord] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You know both sides were very happy you know it was up with the company or down with the company you know , and I think certainly the younger lads sort of saw it as an infringement upon their future , you know we 've all got mortgages and the o older men who 'd been working since the quarry started you know were gon na see a drop in their standard of living , so I think you know people were getting a bit upset you know that a n a new fella h a new face had come in , and all of a sudden you know changes were being made that were gon na hurt everybody financially .
2 or up against the practice you see .
3 Here in Mr Shah 's hotel or out on the plains I find myself making all sorts of airy leaps and connections effortlessly .
4 He seemed to be possessed of a driving need to review and revitalise everything , calling for frequent staff meetings , inviting ideas on production methods and working schedules , and when he was n't at his desk or out at a meeting he was cooped up with Mike Freeman in the downstairs office or in one of the other departments .
5 Our long-term aim is to shift the burden of taxation away from the things the country needs more of — income , savings and value added — and on to the things we want less of , such as pollution and resource depletion .
6 The last thing when you 're all in , in when you 're all in , and down at the bottom they curve under like that you know , curve under .
7 Well , if I erm said to one of my students something about that was a very good essay you wrote , in fact I 'd like to discuss it a little bit more down at the pub and down at the pub I put my hand on his knee perhaps in making a point about how good his essay was .
8 I 'd of been jumping up and down by the time I got to the
9 We were away for almost three weeks and in between the cricket we also played five hockey fixtures and one tournament .
10 And along with the meal she served up my notice .
11 On into the Room Without a Name they had passed and through to the room it communicated with , the Room of Astonishment , so called because it had a cupboard in it with a little staircase inside that wound its way up into the loft .
12 Pass through the village , and off to the right you will find a farmyard with chickens pecking , ducks waddling and a couple of horses grazing peacefully .
13 You may ask ‘ but surely the minutes will tell us what went on ? ’ , and up to a point they do — in the formal sense .
14 He thinks that he wants a reconciliation , and up to a point he does ; but what he hopes most of all is that Alfred will give his blessing to the new play he has written — a drama of sibling rivalry called Brother Mine .
15 Thiercelin realized that he ought to feel annoyed , and up to a point he did .
16 I had cleverness thrust upon me , and up to a point I learned my lesson well : the most important thing in life was to achieve .
17 Turning from the functions of legislating and authorizing both expenditure and taxation to the other traditional function of pressing the government , the procedures involved have also undergone change but there has been a greater effort made to keep this weapon sharpened and up to the armour it has to pierce .
18 She took the stairs at a run , up and up to the attic she slept in .
19 I do n't know if anybody 's ever seen those but you can actually have a computer at the side and a thing that sits on there and you can change and up on the screen it will appear what 's on the screen on the computer .
20 It grew until it was a window and out through the window she could see down a long tunnel ; and beyond that the sun shining and the mountains rising over the fruit trees .
21 Why , in the Davidson Room and in and out of the Church we cherish every Reader 's Digest !
22 And out of the money it 's your
23 Quickly in and out of the sitting-room she slid three hundred pounds from out of her sleeping-bag , not wanting Philip to know how much was there — but only because she did not want anyone to know .
24 ‘ I was driving Kelly to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London , ’ Sandra says , ‘ and out of the blue she said to me : ‘ Mum , what happens when you die ?
25 But Mhoira , in and out of the uniform she wore with such pride , was equal to any of them .
26 2.40:LEADING northern hurdler Coulton gained all his successes last term over two and a half miles and back over the minimum I fancy HALKOPOUS to beat him .
27 Again my mind wandered from my polishing and back onto the job I would be doing in a few hours .
28 KEVIN McGARRITY is going back to the British Vauxhall Lotus championship — and back to the team he quit midway through last season .
29 And , because they will have arisen not out of planning but out of the story you are telling , almost certainly each new development will have that necessary quality of being a worse trouble for your heroine until the final calamity at the end .
30 Mr Denny said : ‘ He then told her to put her clothes back on but out of the blue he stabbed her in the neck .
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