Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It will frequently happen that information disclosed in confidence is or becomes known to a limited number of people or to a specific section of the public only .
2 The deaths are the latest in an epidemic which was first identified in Ireland and has swept through the eastern Mediterranean [ see EDs 49/50 , 51 ] .
3 He assures them Virgin Atlantic can and does compete on cost as well as service , but he claims British Airways is n't playing fair and has complained to the European commission that B A is offering anti-competitive deals Virgin claims it 's losing business as a result .
4 Therefore , someone who lives in a bungalow and has lived in a high radon area since birth is the most likely person to suffer .
5 This represents a rise of a massive 140pc and has contributed to the high number of households registered as a priority for rehousing due to homelessness , currently 211 .
6 It rejected evidence from government witnesses that present management arrangements were working well and has called for a radical reorganization .
7 He believes that , because so many of the Yanomami have been killed by disease , they do n't need such a large area and has called for a new study of their territory .
8 ‘ The Queen has now made a gesture towards public opinion and has recognised in the modern world that the monarch does have to pay income tax .
9 With the spread of home ownership , a process that began in earnest during the inter-war years and has accelerated since the 1960s , the passing on of the family home will become an increasingly important aspect of defining who owns what , and confirming the advantages enjoyed by some groups of the population .
10 The imager was selected from six finalists of the 1991 competition and has gone through a two-year production stage to prove its commercial viability .
11 It has been a day which commenced so stunningly with the horse and carriage procession , swept forward with the harmonious , soaring , musical arrangements at the wedding ceremony , and has culminated in the utter perfection of the gourmet dinner , all in keeping with what we have come to expect from the organizational abilities of one of the world 's paragons .
12 It leaves less to the discretion of the court and has decided on a maximum sentence of just five years .
13 Alford , a former councillor , broke away from the party a few years ago , and has stood as an independent Labour candidate in local elections since .
14 That 's what we er we want , that 's what we require , because do n't forget old people er , in fact our present national treasurer , a Mrs Mary , is now serving as the national treasurer and has done for the last thirty five years .
15 He is a chartered engineer and has served with the Royal Air Force as an aerosystems engineering officer .
16 Mark , 27 , who is married with two children , has been a soldier for nine years and has served with the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers .
17 Alison is a ‘ people person ’ and has served on the consultative committee .
18 Gould has threatened to take legal action and has written to the Prime Minister claiming his civil liberties were infringed .
19 Powder Byrne , which offers off-piste skiing courses as add-ons to its hotel and chalet holidays in the Swiss Alps , is a confirmed user , and has hit on the bright idea of recycling some of last winter 's footage as a low-key promotional device .
20 The poll tax has wasted £14 billion of taxpayers ' money , led to cuts in services and jobs , caused great hardship for thousands of people , and has led to a general breakdown in law and order .
21 A high-performance clothing system , Vent-A-Layer , was successfully introduced to the market , and has led to a whole series of further product introductions during 1993 .
22 Our expertise is recognised by boat builders and owners and has led to a constant flow of prestigious projects for yachts from the yards of Camper & Nicholson , Valdettaro , Oyster , Palmer Johnson and Jankel Schooners .
23 idea , which earned him £5,800 was for the more efficient use of pumps which supply cooling water in the E22 centrifuge plant and has led to a significant saving in energy costs .
24 This latter aspect has developed without knowledge of BSL and has led to an uninflected form of signing which has been slow to change .
25 However , its involvement in the conflict in Nicaragua , acting as the main host country to the Contras , has attracted a good deal of US aid and military personnel and has led to the increasing militarization of society .
26 Though in the minority and benefiting from the support of the partisans of the former national coach Jacques Fouroux , Paparemborde mounted an effective opposition to the Ferrasse-Fabre axis and has emerged as an influential powerbroker .
27 The Prime Minister , Ruud Lubbers , declared that the programme of austerity and fiscal conservatism of the previous government had paid off and that the Netherlands economy had become " healthier … and has emerged from the serious slump of the late 1970s and early 1980s " .
28 But 50-year-old Thaw has gone to extreme lengths to keep his location secret and has turned into a virtual recluse .
29 Work continues on listing the Crawford papers , and has begun on the additional Sutherland papers .
30 Mr. Wharton is a founding partner of the multi-national High Point plc consultancy organisation , and has moved into a non-executive role as Deputy Chairman of the group in order to devote more time to his Presidential activities .
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