Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] [pron] into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She feels full of it and moulds it into a glowing ball deep within .
2 Aptly named Swing Shift , John Frieda takes looks of the past and transforms them into the sleek , set styles of today — with a little from modern technology of course !
3 Quite apart from the deafening thunder of the falls , and the awe-inspiring sight of their dramatic descent , the effect can be sheer magic on a fine day ; as the sunlight catches the spray in flight , and transforms it into an elusive pattern of shapes and colours that suggest in painting the Impressionism of Manet or the mists of Corot , or in music , the evocative nuances of Debussy .
4 Human computation is wonderfully sensitive to context ; it captures the spirit in the message and turns it into the appropriate letters .
5 She has taken some point made by a friend whom she names — milia and develops it into a full essay .
6 Having done that , it reaches one leg across to its equivalent on the other side , removes the accumulated pollen from the comb with a stiff brush that sprouts from the end of the leg and transfers it into a deep bowl lying on the outer surface of the opposite thigh .
7 Discussion — which develops conclusions and incorporates them into the historical pattern of evolving knowledge , perhaps offering some conjectures but avoiding speculation .
8 It draws magical power from the War Altar and passes it into the Grand Theogonist .
9 ‘ Specially Arranged Music ’ refers to those scores where a musician , in collaboration with a choreographer , selects from the varied works of a particular composer and weaves them into a viable ballet score .
10 In traditional psychoanalysis , the paternal prohibition of oedipal sexuality ends the close relationship between the child and mother ; enforces the child 's recognition of sexual difference , that is , its recognition of the absence of the phallus from the female body ; and introduces it into a wider social world .
11 I will expand further on this dichotomy between quality and quantity of ‘ crime ’ in Chapter 5 , but would argue that the chase for numerical detections in which detectives everywhere are immersed moves them across another conceptual boundary and takes them into a statistical world away from their previous world as ‘ real polises ’ where the central classifier of conflict with the ‘ prig ’ remains , as ever , in a power struggle over the body ( Foucault 1977 ) .
12 Hall takes a Schumpeterian view of long waves and translates it into a geographical context .
13 Doing that makes you helpless and inert , and hurls you into a sick , cold terror .
14 Not only is having had some form of employment considered to increase a job seeker 's attractiveness to an employer and diminish the chances of a devaluation of his work skills , but temporary placings themselves can turn into permanent ones , either because the temporary position is made permanent or because the employer becomes acquainted with the capabilities of the temporary worker and recruits him into a vacant permanent position.1 Special temporary employment schemes such as the Community Programme are often justified in this manner , the suggestion being that they raise the chances of the long-term unemployed finding jobs some threefold ( Turner , 1985 ) .
15 Vic selects a cassette and slots it into the four-speaker stereo system .
16 ‘ Pièce Touchée ’ by Martin Arnold , a winner of prizes from a number of festivals including Cannes — it takes a short scene from an American B movie and manipulates it into an erotic dance to hilarious effect .
17 The lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase ( LCAT ) system is active in this process and generates cholesterol esters in the HDL and converts them into a spherical shape .
18 The key point is that this approach takes video information out of the analogue world and converts it into the digital world of the computer and this conversion is an on-going , realtime process .
19 The phototransistor picks up the light emitted by the l.e.d. in the transmitter section and converts it into an analogue electrical signal .
20 Bursting through the surface , visitors rest before the can tilts forward and pours them into a giant glass held by a giant hand .
21 The mats are formed by a special cutting and macerating machine which harvests the grass and presses it into a five to ten millimetre layer which is placed back on the stubble .
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