Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The government also orders , or turns a blind eye to , more violent methods of keeping opponents quiet .
2 Secondly , because of the integration between different components of the social system of the school , an innovation introduced by a single teacher will often have repercussions in other parts of the system — perhaps because there is a need for additional resources , or for more time , or because it is predicted [ sic ] upon new pupil roles , or involves a greater degree of integration .
3 If none of the candidates is suitable or fulfils the basic requirements of the job/personnel description think twice before appointing the best of a bad bunch .
4 This relates to the extent to which the unit produces a financial benefit or imposes a financial burden on the oversight unit .
5 When a constable gives directions to a tourist , for example , or rescues a stranded cat from a tree , he is performing the sort of social service that the police are nowadays expected to undertake .
6 If an individual appears unable to pay his debts or has no reasonable prospect of paying he may also face a bankruptcy petition .
7 To direct the beam of light precisely where you want it , choose a fitting that takes narrow-beam reflector bulbs or has a narrow-beam reflector in the fitting .
8 What initiates or sustains the immune response against α subunit in MG is unknown .
9 To do this , they need to work out what their partner is doing , when for example , he or she lifts an empty cup to their lips , or tilts an empty teapot above the cup .
10 While full demilitarisation prohibits military installations , the maintenance of armed forces , the conduct of manoeuvres or undertaking other military activity , partial demilitarisation either forbids a distinct form of armed activity or establishes a limited level of armaments .
11 I saw nothing strange in his behaviour , but it is evident from the literature that the families of anorexics often include a member who either suffers from a psychosomatic complaint or shows an obsessive interest in food and its health-giving properties .
12 The solution will bubble up immediately and sprinkling should be continued until it overflows to drain , if fitted , or reaches a stable level at the lip of the well .
13 Aggro is likely to be considered appropriate in situations where opposing fans attempt a territorial invasion of their rivals ' ‘ end ’ ; where one hooligan fan stares at , or adopts a threatening posture towards an opponent , or calls him a demasculatory name , such as ‘ cunt ’ , ‘ wanker ’ , or ‘ poofta ’ .
14 That court tells the executor or administrator what to do , or takes the whole estate under its charge and distributes it .
15 ( d ) when , before an approach is made , the target is the subject of rumour and speculation or suffers an untoward movement in its share price and there are reasonable grounds for concluding that it is the potential bidder 's actions which have led to the situation .
16 To the extent that agreement is reached which goes beyond the provisions of a pre-existing document or displaces the relevant provisions of the Partnership Act , the agreed terms should be reduced to writing to reduce the scope for subsequent dispute .
17 Gardiner usefully quotes or paraphrases the lively testimony of many sitters and visitors from a wide variety of sources and it is at these moments that the artist at his most affectionate , considerate , perceptive and even gently self-deprecating comes to life .
18 When someone complains that he has a toothache , or attributes a similar condition to another person , what exactly is he saying ?
19 It will be incompatible if it creates or strengthens a dominant position as a result of which effective competition would be significantly impeded in the Common Market or in a substantial part of it .
20 No one else in the world has had your experience of life , sees the world through your eyes or treads the same path through life ‘ towards the light of your particular guiding star ’ ( this is described in a rather dull way as ‘ motivation ’ ) .
21 Every time a writer opens his notebook , or puts a blank sheet in a typewriter , he is making a journey to a young blind woman . ’
22 If that breach ‘ goes to the root of the contract ’ or deprives the other party of ‘ substantially the whole benefit of the contract , ’ then it entitles the latter to treat the contract as repudiated and himself as discharged from it .
23 You can then select the one which you think solves the most important problem , or gives the best effect in the most visually important part of the garment .
24 Whether one agrees , disagrees or maintains a neutral attitude to this technique is a matter of personal choice , but how one would respond to a professional call to administer this procedure is a different situation entirely .
25 Is it my imagination or does the tranquil state of mind the car encourages contribute to these things ?
26 Do these differences arise from the local packing of cations and anions , or does the random network of chains and planes of silicate , for instance , impose the main constraint ?
27 If the joint tenancy is severed by agreement then the notice of severance or declaration of trust which would have the same effect ( see precedent in Kelly 's Draftsman , 15th edn , Butterworths , 1986 , p673 ) should specify in what proportions or shares the equitable interests of the former beneficial joint tenants are to be held .
28 There will be a common control when the acquirer becomes able materially to influence the policy of the target or to control the policy of the target or acquires a controlling interest in the target .
29 They occur when an action by i directly affects j 's costs or the demand which it faces , or when R&D undertaken by firm i retards or blocks the innovative efforts of j .
30 The indirect costs of making a poor choice are hidden but heavy — perhaps not all that hidden if someone loses an order or makes an avoidable error in design .
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