Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] [vb infin] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Or , like the note from a sick friend sent to the about-to-be-murdered Mrs Abby Borden of Fall River , it might mean something or might mean nothing at all .
2 Techs who were expert in the Machine Mysteries , autonomous-minded slaves , administrators , ship crews — all the host of support staff for the Marine chapter — slept in modestly comfortable dormitories … assuming that they needed , or could avail themselves of modest comfort during sleep-time .
3 No other observer was so close to Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge [ q.v. ] during their most productive years together at Alfoxden and Grasmere ; and no one else had such an eye for the landscapes which inspired them , or could provide them with living materials for poetry out of her own observations .
4 The second argues more generally that since we have made mistakes , or would make them in imaginary similar circumstances , we do not know now .
5 I do n't know if umm Jeff or , would know anybody or can do anything with this .
6 He can make his birds fly like an arrow — in a straight line , in single file — or can direct them to any place he likes , in any formation .
7 Now we could n't have him in this year to give the others a chance so this is how you voted for the nineteen ninety three racing personality of the year on Channel Four and let's take it in reverse order starting with the person who finished fourth .
8 The first the first firm offer I get now and let's put it like this .
9 Yet she still had the use of her tongue , and she said as quietly as he , ‘ Yes , only once — and let's keep it like that , shall we ? ’
10 Unless they can be guaranteed a post , they will consider alternatives at a time when they probably need to be free of distractions from their studies and may commit themselves to another job unnecessarily .
11 All persons privy to confidential , and particularly price-sensitive , information concerning an offer or proposed offer must treat that information as secret and may pass it to another person only if it is necessary to do so and the other person is made aware of the need for secrecy .
12 The public good defence for performances which were proved to be ‘ in the interests of drama , opera , ballet or any other art , or of literature or learning ’ omitted the words ‘ or other objects of general concern ’ , thereby rejecting the so-called ‘ therapeutic defence ’ according to which pornography was claimed to be ‘ psychologically beneficial ’ to some persons ‘ in that it relieves their sexual tensions and may divert them from anti-social activities ’ .
13 Often perches on posts and other prominent lookouts ; bobs , waggles head , and may turn it through 180 when curious or suspicious .
14 The school should also set up regular times for reviewing progress and should alert you to any difficulties your child may be experiencing .
15 Meanwhile , the Picasso Trigger needs constant water tests and monitoring , like all marine fish , and should get us into good habits again .
16 In general terms this diet is very high in fibre and should help everyone towards healthier bowels .
17 At least one ‘ multi-million unit company ’ is said to have signed up for PowerPC , and should reveal itself within two months , PowerOpen said .
18 Further sponsors and at least one ‘ multi-million unit company ’ , not expected to be in the mainstream computer systems business , is said to have signed up for PowerPC , and should reveal itself within two months , claimed PowerOpen officials .
19 Ruskin ( who will be discussed in a later chapter ) also wrote his autobiography in old age , and without our knowledge of his life from other sources we should have a distorted picture of his childhood , and should know nothing at all about his marriage .
20 Other parts of the hall complex will be developed over the next few months and should provide us with additional facilities .
21 Mr Gargery asks me to tell you he will be in London soon , and could visit you at 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning , at Mr Herbert Pocket 's rooms , if that is all right with you .
22 The upshot , however , was that the British could buy the latest mark of Polaris missile without warheads , which they would provide themselves , and could fit them into five British-built nuclear submarine hulls .
23 I listened to myself make a horrible noise like Eric going crazy over the phone , and hoped that nobody was passing and could see me in such an undignified and weak position .
24 She had a strong sense of the dramatic , and could use it to good effect when occasion demanded .
25 It was provided and further agreed that the widow would pay to the executors ‘ the sum of £1 yearly , towards the ground-rent , payable in respect of the said dwelling house , ’ and would keep it in good repair .
26 The only certainty is that those nations that are victorious will write what is later termed ‘ history ’ , and will do it in such a way as to justify their actions .
27 Many solicitors , in writing a letter for a client , will misrepresent the law , even though they are addressing themselves to a layman , and will lend themselves to various abuses and suppressions ( not involving a breach of law ) in order to obstruct a just claim .
28 It will thus be dusted with successive batches of pollen as they mature and will deliver them to other flowers on different individual plants elsewhere in its territory .
29 Harris Corp , Melbourne , Florida has formed a telecommunications joint venture with Shenzhen Telecom Equipment Co : Shenzhen Harris Telecom Co Ltd to manufacture and sell Harris 's low- and medium-capacity digital microwave radios and will integrate them with other systems .
30 Transport , too , is free within EURO DISNEYLAND — it comes in all shapes and sizes and will carry you from one ‘ land ’ to another amidst a riot of colourful characters , street shows and parades .
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