Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] [vb infin] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It may be taken by any student as an outside subject , or may form the starting point for a single or joint honours MA in Scottish Ethnology .
2 They may prefer to say nothing because to raise an objection may cause offence or may prolong the sales interaction .
3 ‘ In all these circumstances I think that it is a proper inference that , in the case of each journey in question , the plaintiffs paid the money unwillingly and only because they apprehended on reasonable grounds that without the permit which could not otherwise be obtained officers acting under the authority of the State of New South Wales would or might stop the motor vehicle and refuse to allow it to proceed upon the journey .
4 Qualifications disqualify the person from being considered ( e.g. on the grounds that they will become easily bored or might become a trouble maker ) .
5 She said the TEC could offer disabled trainees help with loan of equipment , or could extend the tuition period if that was felt to be useful .
6 It is the child who refuses to abandon Dreams — who stubbornly persists in believing that he or she will explore the depths of the Amazon , or will become a film director — who becomes the adult who will achieve those ambitions .
7 The forms also ask workers and carers to check whether a child knows how to cross the road safely or can make an emergency phone call .
8 If you have an aquarium aerator , or can use a bicycle pump to bubble air through the water several times daily , you can fill the tank more than half-full .
9 so let's get rid of some of it and let's make the angle theta .
10 We 'll certainly be offering business administration , and may offer the care award , too , in conjunction with the College of Nautical Studies .
11 Thus , the marked increase in tumours of the cardia may relate to past smoking habits , and may represent a cohort phenomenon as smoking increased between 1915 and 1950 .
12 They will tend to stress long term objectives such as growth in assets , profitability , the degree and nature of diversification , earnings per share and social responsibility , and may specify the mission statement .
13 Sir Ranulph , 48 , also has visited a London hospital for medical opinion about his foot , which is severely frost-bitten and may require a skin graft .
14 This dense material would more commonly be seen in aquarium filtration , and may require a pre-filter brush set-up to avoid frequent clogging .
15 Salt-laden winds also increase the salinity of lochs close to the west coast , and may raise the nutrient content and base status of coastal blanket bogs as in western Ireland ( Sparling 1967 ) , possibly explaining the presence of plants such as Schoenus nigricans , which grows profusely in some coastal peatlands in the Western Isles .
16 Endowment — designed to repay the loan and may provide a cash lump sum at the end of the mortgage term
17 sta sta staff comment comes out of there and that bit goes up then you have general skills and abilities and then below that you have a wider box which just says comments which will include a staff comment and may include a pupil comment as well cos because it 's signed by both at the bottom .
18 This means that it is furthest from the logic of true/false and must speak the friend/foe vernacular .
19 Colin Campbell advised us that he was reporting to the General Purposes Committee on 3 December 1992 on the security of Headquarters buildings , recommending that all visitors sign in on arrival , receive and must wear a Visitor Identity Tag and sign out when leaving .
20 In this case it must be countersigned by a doctor , a suitably qualified nurse ( first level nurse trained in general nursing ) or a Christian Science practitioner and must reach the registration officer before noon on the sixth day before polling day .
21 He aggravated an injury to his right hand , damaged a week ago , in pulling up Now Your Talkin in the Sefton Novices Hurdle and must pass the course doctor before racing today .
22 If you were disqualified and must pass the driving test again the two year period begins when you pass the test .
23 The report on title must be signed and dated and must indicate the completion date .
24 The traveller also needs an onward or return ticket to a destination outside North America or the Caribbean and must complete a visa waiver form .
25 The form should be addressed to the appropriate District Land Registry and should contain the title number and a full description of the property by reference to the necessary elements of its address .
26 Page identification : Every page should be numbered and should carry a continuation note at the base of each page and at the top of the next .
27 The HRD practitioner should stress that this statement is not a list of short-term objectives and should monitor the writing process carefully to ensure that the statement is sufficiently detailed and focused on behavior .
28 If you have been missing out , you may be able to claim back anything you have lost for up to six years and should receive a tax rebate .
29 The funeral director will discuss varying costs of a funeral and cremation , including additional costs of burial , and should have a price list with all types of coffin , casket and services provided .
30 Any attachments should be sent as an Investment Overview and should include a responsibility statement as given in 1103.1 or 1108.1 .
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