Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I have a younger brother , Huw , who might or might not put in an appearance with resident girlfriend in tow .
2 Although it welcomed the extension of home ownership , it also recognized the problems of families who could not or would not take on the responsibility of home purchase ( Department of the Environment 1977b ) .
3 While catalytic converters may cost the manufacturer around £50 to buy , to fit them requires skilled labour and may well bump up the price of a new car by between £100 and £1000 depending on the model .
4 Richard Armstrong 's documentary adventures , exciting and authentic as they are , have a strain of sententious comment which deadens the flow of narrative and may even set up a certain resistance on the reader 's part .
5 It is not quite a handicap system either but the point is that some sufferers can , for instance , swim better than others and may therefore go up a classification .
6 It seems that many men , however , show little in the way of symptoms and may therefore pass on the disease quite unknowingly .
7 The national institute stated that our policies ’ could raise the sustainable level of output in the United Kingdom and might also bring about a lasting reduction in unemployment ’ .
8 He would be treated to the kind of service his carrier is struggling to achieve and might even pick up a few tips on how an airline should be run .
9 At present it appears that local authorities can draw up individual access arrangements with the new owners , but this is not a satisfactory solution , partly because some authorities may not have the motivation to do so , and partly because they are all very short of money and could not back up the agreements financially .
10 and could n't pick up the sodding two .
11 Kozlowski said that the new service would be independent of the Soviet Union , would co-operate with North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) countries over issues such as drug trafficking and terrorism , and would also build up a bank of information on Western economic factors as a source of advice for Polish entrepreneurs .
12 This would cause the earths atmosphere to heat up enough to kill most forms of life and would also blanket out the suns light for years to come .
13 All the police present were scathing of the legal system , saying that the stupid barrister was from [ name of legal firm ] , and would probably end up a judge .
14 New occasions of conflict were now appearing and would eventually break up the long peace , and as this became clearer so did the essentially competitive nature of the European system .
15 Immediately after the election Lafontaine announced that he was returning to his post as Saarland Minister President , and would not take on the SPD party or parliamentary group leadership .
16 What happens if , in the middle of therapy , you lose your job and ca n't keep up the fees ?
17 The program allows you to input the postcode of an address and will automatically call up the Town , County and dialling code of that address ( You can also insert user defined fields as in most databases ) .
18 But Pakistan does not have extradition treaties with most Arab countries and will not turn over a wanted man against his will .
19 She knows the kinds of places she likes to work , sleep and eat in , and will instinctively seek out the right type of office , hotel , or restaurant .
20 heads of each participating school and will undoubtedly bring out the best in the youngsters , stimulating the competitive instincts in a way that perhaps has n't been available to schoolchildren in the past .
21 9 ) Polyurethane varnish would be suitable because it is hard wearing , easy to apply and wo n't cover up the grain of the wood .
22 No we just no it was just , people had said these things and wo n't take on a Sunday .
23 The koonkies carry the tree trunks that will form the walls of the stockade and can even break off a branch to the required length with their feet if commanded to do so .
24 For example , there are two sum icons — a 2D sum that sums the cells to the left or above the cursor and can even fill in the row and column totals for a block ; and a 3D sum that consolidates data in the pages behind it — so you can do cookie-cutter sums on a whole range in one go .
25 She tells me that the Mum has applied for free meals but should really pay back the money owed .
26 People with bright ideas must not only carry their opinions out of politics and into the research institutions , but must regularly move back the opposite way when the call comes .
27 Maura could see Terry 's lips moving but could not make out a word .
28 When I turned I saw a long patch of the fluorescent dye that the Germans carried staining the sea a light yellow-green but could not pick out the pilot .
29 Maggie glanced at her alarm clock , but could n't make out the time .
30 She saw the Jaguar parked there but could n't make out the identity of its occupant .
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