Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] [verb] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 that after to-night I might be of no further use , & should resign with the whole Cabinet .
2 MacDonald said that he ‘ might be of no further use , & should resign with the whole Cabinet ’ ; the night before his interview with the King , Baldwin had gone to Neville Chamberlain 's house in Eaton Square , and ‘ hoped and prayed that he might not have to join a National Government ’ ; even after his interview with the King .
3 And let's start with a basic question , here in this nation of animal lovers , do you think animals deserve a better deal ?
4 I then reported situation and at end I told him that after tonight I might be of no further use and should resign with the whole Cabinet .
5 Calm and svelte , stealthy as a cat in his movements , he seemed to approach sex as a form of research , favouring techniques of foreplay so subtle and prolonged that Robyn occasionally dozed off in the middle of them , and would wake with a guilty start to find him still crouched studiously over her body , fingering it like a box of index cards .
6 Mr Sutherland still needs approval from GATT 's 110 members , but he is the leading candidate and would come with a splendid mixture of diplomatic credentials , top-level contacts and real backbone .
7 This was very promising indeed and Paul , the breeder , sounded like a really nice , caring sort of chap , so I told him I was very interested , and would call with a definite answer in a few days .
8 141 ( 1 ) Rent reserved by a lease , and the benefit of every covenant or provision therein contained , having reference to the subject-matter thereof , and on the lessee 's part to be observed or performed , and every condition of re-entry and other condition therein contained , shall be annexed and incident to and shall go with the reversionary estate in the land , or in any part thereof , immediately expectant on the term granted by the lease , notwithstanding severance of that reversionary estate , and without prejudice to any liability affecting a covenantor or his estate .
9 A new programme of preparation for the new nurse will normally be completed within three years , and will begin with a Common Foundation Programme ( CFP ) of at least 18 months in length , followed by a branch programme in mental health ; or nursing of persons with mental handicap ; or nursing of the adult ; or nursing of the child .
10 The theatre nurse is part of this team and will help with the following :
11 Luckily , the Oase pump is ‘ pokey ’ and can cope with a considerable head without appreciable loss of flow rate .
12 Perhaps the blocking antibodies are all-important and can cope with the increased antigenic differences in hybrids , but this is only a speculation , and more work needs to be done .
13 The most recent improvements to Symantec it can recognize over 1,400 viruses in the US National Computer Security Association ( NCSA ) virus library , and can cope with the troublesome Mutation Engine viruses .
14 It should be recognised that open invitations to all staff to attend can be disruptive to normal line management , and can conflict with the efficient running of service departments where continuous manning is essential .
15 But let's start with the easiest question first .
16 We advertised , in fact , for people who wanted to smoking but could do with a little help , because I really do think that women do need a little help , a bit of support to do this .
17 This would be anathema to the Anglo-American tradition of business accounting , but would fit with the Continental European tradition .
18 1 — in west half of room , stunned , unable to move or attack or cast spells for D4 rounds , but can parry with a -20 penalty .
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