Example sentences of "[coord] [det] 's [adv] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 I 've gone to see my favourite players play — I 'd see them one night and they 'd be phenomenal and I 'd like the show so much that I would go the next night , drive two hours to see it and it would suuuuck ! and that 's just the way it is . ’
2 And that 's still the way it is now , I 'm afraid . ’
3 And that 's almost the way I planned it .
4 But that 's just a way of changing key .
5 Poor man — I do n't know what he thought about me , but that 's just the way it happened .
6 But that 's just the way they 'd rather be .
7 But that 's always the way it is in
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