Example sentences of "[coord] [det] [prep] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 And I thought well she 's got two chances that way , either I could win , or she could win , or neither of us 'll win .
2 Causation or some of it might have come to an end just when I set out to snuff the candles , or never existed .
3 Not surprisingly , they all reach a stage when they must try to manage their growth and their organisation more rationally or many of them will burn out and their company could get into deep administrative trouble .
4 The Sharrock family know they 've had a lucky escape ; any one or all of them could have been injured , or even killed , when someone threw a brick at their car from an overhead footbridge .
5 These plants , part or all of which may cause ill effects , can all be found in this country .
6 This means that the practitioner recognizes that the patient is not just a physical entity but also has emotional , mental and spiritual aspects — all or any of which may need treatment .
7 There are now more parents either one or both of whom will have higher qualifications and it is unlikely that parents with higher qualifications will desire less education for their children .
8 ’ The concluding words show that a claim to contribution might arise under the Act of 1935 out of tortious conduct committed by two or more persons even though one or both of them may have committed a crime in the course of such conduct .
9 We considered various possibilities , but as neither of us could drive far and neither of us could face airport hassle , we decided to go for a week to Wales .
10 However , if your elderly parent has no telephone and neither of you can pay for one , you should contact the local authority social services department , who are empowered to provide assistance towards the cost or , in some cases , free telephones for disabled housebound elderly people and others , under the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 , although the extent of need is determined by the local authority in the light of resources .
11 You now standing on my right are the person I left on the bench , and you on my left are someone else , and neither of you can deceive me any longer . "
12 What we choose to call this event depends upon factors such as its magnitude : we speak for instance of accidents , emergencies , disasters and catastrophes , each of which carries connotations concerning the scale of the event and each of which will have a set of human and/or environmental consequences .
13 There are nine genes , and each of them can take any of 19 values .
14 Records relate to coasting movements , which are difficult to evaluate and some of which may refer only to local movements , and both immigration and emigration in in spring and autumn .
15 I have passed it round the various organisations within the parish and some of them may reply directly to your office .
16 Different people will notice different things and some of them may surprise you .
17 The changes have been more fundamental and some of them may have affected us in ways that we do not immediately recognise .
18 I remember when I was working on the building sites in Manchester , the Irish lads called onions " navvies ' apples " and some of them would peel them and eat them whole like fruit .
19 As I said , life is not all plain sailing , there are troubles , there are storms and some of them are very fierce and some of them would cause us to , to wonder if there is an escape .
20 They are now mothers with the responsibility for a child , and some of them would maintain that it is their baby that has given them the determination to do something more with their lives , however hard this may be .
21 I knew the people from the ship — the crew used to go out at night-time and some of them would come back merry .
22 And some of them would take it maybe themselves just or in Kirkwall .
23 They were to be renamed Colleges of Education ; a new degree , to be called Bachelor of Education and validated by the universities , would be introduced for their more able students ; they should be removed from the public sector and closely linked with the universities ; and some of them should become universities in their own right .
24 There were plenty of people in the pub , and some of them must have overheard Dennis 's vicious mockery of our suggested alternatives , a walk on Shotover or Otmoor , for example .
25 But they do occur , and some of them could have been avoided .
26 Er yes , yes , some of them will come and some of them will go , and er
27 And some of them will go to extraordinary lengths to try to find out .
28 They are prolific meeting-goers who ca n't do the job themselves and some of them will become consultants later in their careers . ’
29 After about 3 weeks , more of the larvae will have turned into pupae and some of them will have hatched into adults .
30 Now , some of them will come from the Labour Party , and some of them will come from other associations not yet formed — I accept that as well — but I say this : in whatever shape these new forces manifest themselves , they will come from you , the despised students of humanity . ’
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