Example sentences of "[coord] [det] [prep] [pron] [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Between the ranks of bared heads ( one or another of which would occasionally turn to take a quick glance of inspection at his own face ) he could just make out the graceful figure of Mrs Wright herself , kneeling on a hassock in front of the table .
2 One or both of them may not wish to cope with parenting a second time round , having not long been released from the exhaustion and limitations of childcare on their own account .
3 Each is a Ring of Protection , and each of which will only function as a magical ring if it can be separated from the others .
4 The relevant questions should not concern how local ‘ culture ’ forms local politics , but how this ‘ culture ’ itself is formed , how it is sustained or transformed , and how it affects local political activity in conjunction with a host of other structures and practices , some of which may be locally based and some of which may not .
5 But it 's the same as England , really ; some of them can handle me and some of them ca n't .
6 There may be yet more complicated objects than us on other planets , and some of them may already know about us .
7 Doctors are themselves not immune from the disease of alcoholism and some of them may therefore give inappropriate reassurance to patients .
8 So some of them will be given and some of them wo n't and you 'll work out which ones can I fit in here opposite adjacent or that .
9 If you let somebody else get stuff on your book , and some of them could n't pay it , you know , you 've no means of paying it .
10 All day and then he got all to do at lunch time yeah they kept it up all the day , they had separate play time , they had had to eat their lunch in the class room all they were allowed was a piece of fruit , a bread and water and they all had to have , you know , they had a bread roll supplied by the school an a an apple I think And Jan made them write out their names and some of them could n't write their name !
11 Well a cos then you can pick them up altogether if , are you with me , if you 're doing the rounds for your friends cos some of them 'll be on there and some 'll be Pick them up from the front , it 's just that some of the stuff will be at the front and some of it wo n't .
12 The finest material may be carried for tens of kilometres down-wind , and some of it may even stay suspended for many months , eventually falling back to earth on the other side of the globe .
13 In short , it seems inevitable that most PC software will need some kind of re-write to run on the Portfolio , and some of it will never fit at all .
14 But even so , 's point is a good one , that there is n't , there 's seldom if ever enough this is a small problem in psychoanalysis , I myself hope to put right to some extent , and some of you may live long enough to see this happen , I hope you will .
15 That 's the thing about drink : some of us can take it , and some of us ca n't .
16 We are ready , we 've been eating raw meat and some of us can still move which is a major bonus to us
17 It is possible for an aircraft to have several different modes of spinning , and all of them may not have been discovered during the testing .
18 And all of them can only do just carry on , the money 's not there , it 's not there is it ?
19 Such processed foods therefore have added to them artificial colours , flavours , flavour enhancers ( usually monosodium glutamate , MSG ) , texturizers , emulsifiers and preservatives — most of which are chemicals of no particular use to the body and many of which may actually be harmful .
20 All of them add to the quality of life of the residents , and many of them may also help you enjoy your work too .
21 You 've all heard it and many of you may still believe it .
22 In this large body , very few would have known the pre-Conquest church ; and most of them would probably have been children of the new gentry in the neighbourhood of Canterbury , perhaps with parents of mixed Anglo-Norman origin .
23 Whether skilled or unskilled , the vast majority of fathers of brides in the sample were engaged in manual trades ( 110 of the 161 ) , and most of them could safely be assumed to be skilled workers .
24 We all like to think we know an honest face when we see one , but few of us can really tell friend from foe .
25 there is no better way , but er the problem with that is that , you know okay , you might get , you might get some peasants who say well we 're really grateful , we 'll go off and fight but some of them might just say no look , we 've got some land I 'm not gon na leave it ,
26 This information is mostly for the GM , but some of it can easily be fed to the PCs before an adventure .
27 The speed is almost enough to lever a Windows user out of his comfortable environment and back into DOS ( but some of us will just wait for the Windows version ! ) .
28 That the two were incompatible was clear by the late 1140s but this of itself would not have brought about the annulment .
29 A firm from Oxfordshire has just launched the latest equipment to help doctors find out more about heart and brain illnesses , but much of it wo n't ever be used in Britain .
30 They were written during the thirties , but much of it would still be up to date — after all , I do not imagine German bombs have altered our countryside so significantly .
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