Example sentences of "[coord] [det] [be] only a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Imagine Sun Ra and his Arkestra fumbling through a version of Funkadelic 's ‘ Maggot Brain ’ while a backbeat of earth-shaking dub hardcore metal and jazz squeal swirls in the distance … and that 's only a fragment of Praxis ' power !
2 Well the majority of them are a , abused or get thrown out of mental centres , I mean , some of them just run away from home because they want to and that 's only a minority , lots of them have
3 And that was only a fraction of the tricks he said he could do in his Heyday .
4 There 's a stretch-steel tension in the normally soothing make-up room , where nine intently concentrating make-up girls are tending the terrified contestants — and this is only a dress-run .
5 I agreed and I put him under training for Mosquito , and to the best of my knowledge ( and this is only a guess ) he did over 70 sorties , got himself at least one DFC , if not two , and became a very worthwhile member of the Pathfinder Force .
6 So my suggestion and this is only a suggestion , the beards which in the past have been interpreted as a kind of erm epigrammatic signal , in other words a kind of erm sign on the face of the male as they 're deceived , my guess is that , th that beards may actually have evolved to protect the throat because erm the critical thing in , in killing somebody is to block the , the windpipe and that 's and in fact even , even lions do this , you saw in the film when a lion kills an antelope or something , he does n't go to all the trouble of making horrible gashes , he grabs the , the windpipe and holds on until the antelope or whatever it is is just er
7 And this was only a part of the ceremonial which surrounded the office with glamour and reminded the king 's subjects that he was God 's anointed — a notion which inspired them with great awe , when they were not actually engaged in rebellion against him .
8 Plans for ten-week short courses were never realised : the longest is the five-week course for the Yorkshire and Derbyshire Areas of the NUM , the average is around one week , and many are only a weekend .
9 ‘ Yes , but that 's only a technicality .
10 But that 's only a story .
11 You see something advertised like ‘ The Four Seasons ’ : well , everyone knows the famous bit , but that 's only a quarter of it .
12 They have to keep a logbook but that 's only a check to make sure that nobody 's leaving a mess in the common areas and we only have it because we 've found that some residents can have problems because they 've become deskilled in certain things .
13 But that 's only a palliative . ’
14 ‘ In another location I would probably have a full dining room every night , but that is only a part of what is important to me .
15 This can be seen throughout Formen in his struggles with the word ‘ property ’ , but that is only a beginning .
16 But that is only a reason for saying that the value is not really there in the world if we presuppose a scientistic view of reality for which it is of itself necessarily ‘ motivationally inert ’ and cognizable in a manner which has nothing essentially to do with being attracted or repelled by it .
17 The heads of the different divisions might feel that it should be so but that is only a claim of ego and emotion .
18 But that is only an expression of how the lioness is feeling within herself .
19 Those with long memories may recall that the Solo made its first appearance at the 1987 Frankfurt Motor Show , but that was only a mock-up prototype .
20 He wanted to see the believers in Rome , but that was only a part .
21 Dedicated football fan that he is , Anderson attempts to give advice to Crisp and Broadbent in a long and excited utterance , but this is only a part of the whole picture because his enthusiasm for the topic , implicated by the length of the turn , conflicts with the hesitancy he also displays .
22 Perhaps the blocking antibodies are all-important and can cope with the increased antigenic differences in hybrids , but this is only a speculation , and more work needs to be done .
23 But this is only a ground for drawing a strong contrast between them and ‘ primary qualities ’ like shape , for those who , like Mackie , take a strong realist line about the latter which I find unacceptable .
24 It may be possible to devise a system for including greater objectivity into descriptions , and Dr Peacock has been very helpful in laying down guidelines , which it is hoped will be published before long , but this is only a step in the right direction towards a fuller understanding of manufacturing processes , marketing and distribution , and the size and historical development of each industry .
25 I can remember as a boy walking to Rochester via the ferry and Wouldham on many occasions but this was only a stroll compared with some of the older inhabitants efforts .
26 He did n't like people watching his horses work from the road but this was only a woman , probably some jumped-up point-to-point type looking for training tips .
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