Example sentences of "[coord] [det] [be] [adv] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 On the cover Horowitz himself beams at us like a naughty gnome , and that is just the way his irrepressible musical personality comes over in the performances .
2 For one thing they are impossible to reach now and that is n't the way it has to be , it 's just the way it always is .
3 It has never been the case that central Government would indemnify local authorities for expenditure when they are already given money through the revenue support grant to enable them to undertake their responsibilities , and that is not a way forward .
4 And that is perhaps the way they all want it .
5 ‘ … and that 's not the way … not the way I do business . ’
6 And that 's not the way it is . ’
7 I 've gone to see my favourite players play — I 'd see them one night and they 'd be phenomenal and I 'd like the show so much that I would go the next night , drive two hours to see it and it would suuuuck ! and that 's just the way it is . ’
8 And that 's still the way it is now , I 'm afraid . ’
9 And that 's almost the way I planned it .
10 But that 's just a way of changing key .
11 Poor man — I do n't know what he thought about me , but that 's just the way it happened .
12 But that 's just the way they 'd rather be .
13 But that 's not the way the trust is set up .
14 We 've been offered hospice places but that 's not the way we want to do things .
15 But that 's always the way it is in
16 But that is not the way things work .
17 I have some hesitation about accepting the second leg of the ratio decidendi in the circumstances but that is certainly the way in which Fox L.J .
18 But that was just the way I 'd learned to think in the mountains .
19 But that was not the way debts were to be settled .
20 But this is just a way of avoiding responsibility for our lives .
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