Example sentences of "[coord] [vb pp] at a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The tentacle scales may be distinct from the oral papillae being either separated by a gap or placed at a higher level as viewed from the ventral side as in the genera Ophiotoma and Ophioblenn .
2 When you have finished with the artwork , it can be stored in a stiff envelope or a file , along with the component layout diagram , so that it can be modified or re-used at a later date .
3 Every actual utterance is spatiotemporally unique , being spoken or written at a particular place and at a particular time ; and provided that there is some standard system for identifying points in space and time , we can , in principle , specify the actual spatiotemporal situation of any utterance act .
4 If the package is to contain modules which already exist , then each one must be referenced as LATEST , PREFERRED or SELECTED at a specified issue , resulting in ‘ MODULE-RELATIONS-ARE ’ references of the form :
5 This information can then be used to test experimental reconstructions of furnaces found in excavations in order to establish whether or not the metal could have been smelted in a particular type of furnace , or forged at a particular type of hearth .
6 The cost of his travels and his books ( many of which were distributed free or sold at a subsidized price ) was heavy .
7 ( This may be done on the spot or brought at a second visit . )
8 Sir Robert last night rejected calls for his resignation and explained that 50 of the recommendations made by Sir Anthony were already in hand or implemented at an estimated cost of £20 million .
9 The first is where the whole of the programme is provided by and taught at a major centre , as in the case of Bristol Polytechnic ; the second is where the first year is provided extra-murally at a number of associated centres , while the second year only is provided at the main centre , as the case of Portsmouth Polytechnic ; and the third is where both the first and second years are provided at the main and associate centres as at Plymouth Polytechnic and Cornwall Technical College , Camborne .
10 It should be based on or at least draw from coherent bodies of knowledge which go beyond mere skill and are capable of being explicated and taught at a high level .
11 We called out from where we hid in different rooms and listened to our voices echo , we strummed on the few keys left on a rotting piano , and plucked at a broken lute … .
12 One fan sang along and plucked at an imaginary guitar , but he turned out to be the roadie .
13 Its format is usually standard , though much of the information collected and reported at a particular time may not be relevant to current development issues .
14 The Joyces returned to Ireland in 1909 , and William was brought up a Roman Catholic and educated at a Jesuit college where he excelled in Latin , French , and German .
15 Alternative arrangements can be developed and their performances assessed , and areas of possible problems can be identified and alleviated at an early stage of the design .
16 emergency lighting system redesigned to operate when immersed and tipped at a severe angle
17 Such questions would need to be studied and evaluated at a local level .
18 The sample is placed in a heating block and warmed at a uniform rate .
19 The input to a program should be clear and kept to a minimum ; the output on the screen should be clear and presented at a sensible speed ; and any ‘ special ’ or complex computer procedures should appear to the user as ordinary and easy to use .
20 Crisis welcomes all donations , but non-perishable items are preferred , as they can be kept and used at a later date .
21 The very successful Dexion slotted angle iron appealed to a very broad market ( anyone whose used storage ) yet it was specialised for the job it had to do and sold at a good price .
22 At Exeter , another clothing centre , cheese was seized and sold at a lowered price , while the Cornish miners forced butchers to lower the price of meat , which also happened in Wolverhampton .
23 The manometer ports were spaced every 2.5 cm and perfused at a constant pressure of 15 cm h 2 o with distilled water ( a total volume 0.3 ml/min ) .
24 Nursing staff , on the other hand , began to participate in out-patient team discussions and contributed at an early stage to identifying children and young people who might benefit from hospital admission .
25 Blockaded by Chinese troops , the leader was captured and executed at a public meeting .
26 These teeth are also shorter and set at a different angle from the other teeth .
27 All excess grass was dried and cubed at a local factory with the cubes forming an important part of the winter diet .
28 But Moose have got steadily better as they 've gone along and arrived at a winsome pop style not a million miles from Lloyd Cole .
29 A further element of contrast built into the research is that it will explore how inter-agency policies are negotiated and enacted at a local level , in a small number of tightly defined neighbourhoods which will be chosen in such a way as to reflect demographic variations , differences in housing stock and employment , varying local crime rates , ethnic diversity , and other relevant factors .
30 It is therefore important that the patients ' lines of communication are kept open by relaying these enquiries to them — they are easily jotted on a memo pad and delivered at a convenient moment .
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