Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] their [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Others went off for extended periods as migrant ( dekasegi ) workers or severed their ties with the land altogether .
2 Rather than ramming the trainers with the guns , the dolphins either " swam away or put their snouts on the trainers ' shoulders — very affectionately ! "
3 They cantered down into the village and led their horses into the graveyard .
4 The villagers ate dates from the wadi 's palms , fed their sheep and goats on its shrubs , and made their homes from the mud and vegetation .
5 Suddenly they all surged towards me and flung their coins into the canvas sheet I was guarding and one old codger decided to go home .
6 Constantine , late in his reign , demolished some temples and confiscated their estates throughout the empire , in-corporating them into the res privata , but keeping their accounts in a special category as fundi iuris templorum .
7 But he also made use of tunes from bourgeois sources — and transformed their meanings in the process .
8 FSLN leaders had been given farms and houses because , the Sandinistas argued , they had sacrificed good salaries for a decade and dedicated their lives to the defence of the country against the US-backed contra rebels .
9 We may usefully draw an analogy here with the women 's movement in which it soon became apparent that if the real extent and nature of sexual oppression were to be understood , and services appropriate to real needs struggled for , feminist psychologies which recognised the individual consequences of collective oppression , and traced their causes beyond the individual to the mechanisms of that oppression , would have to be developed .
10 ‘ Two criminal cases , involving one Soviet and one Afghan citizen who openly confessed and repented their actions against the Soviet Union , have been discontinued . ’
11 ‘ Two criminal cases , involving one Soviet and one Afghan citizen who openly confessed and repented their actions against the Soviet Union , have been discontinued . ’
12 The Expenditure Committee returned to this field in 1978 , and reiterated their recommendations for the appointment of planning assessors and for a review of the planning system .
13 They have built it under hanging branches , here in the middle of the forest : they dug a deep hole , propped it with boards that they secretly and with immense effort dragged here , and buried their treasures under the thick cover of moss .
14 On arrival they were given simple accommodation in the company camp and received their meals from the centralized kitchen .
15 The young men holding office were still tactful , and even complicity helped people to avoid saying the wrong things ; but they spoke with the authority of government , and informed their elders of the facts of cases and the truths of matters .
16 Seeing the flowers from tepees , the people gathered on the hill and sang and danced their thanks to the Great Spirits who had sent the blooms as a sign of their forgiveness .
17 There was a pause as they looked at one another and adjusted their minds to the needs of conversation .
18 And when it was obvious that he had nothing more to say , they lay down on their cots , pulled up their blankets and turned their faces to the wall .
19 The earthbound made derogatory jokes about empty cans , and turned their backs on the brash , glittering necklace of the night .
20 The sun lifted over the hills and threw their shadows across the road .
21 So I told the press the next morning who were mega grumpy at all of this and I do n't blame them , so when the ceremony started Pat took the stills photographer round to the front and the television guys as the Princess began to inspect er the crew pulled all their gear through the Band of the Royal Marines over their toe caps under the tubas and pressed their cameras under the nose of the Princess Royal which would n't have happened had the Lieutenant Commander been prepared to listen to us and of course you could see him getting angrier and angrier
22 On hearing this , the two royal princes prostrated themselves in the doorway of the throne room and pressed their foreheads to the floor tiles in a reverent attitude .
23 They went up the curving Georgian staircase to Bragg 's room , and hung their bowlers on the bentwood hat-stand .
24 Several of them thereupon left their carriages and placed their heads on the rails vowing that , rather than allow another train to pass by they would sacrifice their lives .
25 The faithful knelt down and placed their heads on the ground : La Allah illah Allah , Muhammad Resul-allah !
26 In his haste the intruder had pulled out drawers and dumped their contents on the floor .
27 Working with feverish haste , for the wind was piercing through her elegant jacket and Gentle Curve bra underneath , she filled the boxes , staggered with them to a row of garbage cans in the back lane and dumped their contents into the bins .
28 In one incident near Limoges in central France , farmers slaughtered nearly four hundred animals from a British lorry and dumped their carcasses outside the home of a local politician .
29 And when Hoggart turned his attention to the ‘ juke box boys ’ who were a recognisable strain of early Teds — ‘ boys between fifteen and twenty , with drape-suits , picture ties , and an American slouch ’ — even the slouch was , characteristically , identified as ‘ Americanised ’ and hence ‘ postwar ’ and ‘ un-British ’ , as the boys sipped their milk-shakes and tapped their feet to the music in their milk-bar rendezvous :
30 Landowners invested in mining and railways , while industrialists bought land , secured lordly titles and sent their sons to the expanded public schools to be turned into gentlemen .
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