Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As a top physiotherapist , she is more than used to stretching and flexing the muscles of people who have tortured their frail frame , or endured a bad tackle on the football field .
2 I went to the er conference that we had at Stokewatchford , which together with er , John , er my Vice Chairman er on Europe , the other week , and there is so much mythology , er , that has been dispensed by people who are half-hearted towards Europe or got a vested interest in no has not been committed to Europe , and and they use this , and in fact the classic example was , that , one of our own Lincolnshire M P's claimed that he had saved , Lincolnshire 's from the ravages of Europe .
3 On many occasions we have increased the sensitivity of our measurements or made a new class of observations , only to discover new phenomena that were not predicted by the existing theory , and to account for these we have had to develop a more advanced theory .
4 No member of the household has made more than two claims or made a single claim above £2,500 on home insurance in the last two years
5 And Audrey has never been on the stage , or left her husband , or made a false move in public in any direction . "
6 The fastest growing economies since 1945 have been those very economies which have not indulged in the purchase of nuclear weapons or devoted a disproportionate share of their budgets to military expenditure .
7 By the time you 've booby-trapped your car , or hired an armed guard for it , walked miles , found the crag and avoided the most polished routes you might not consider it worth the hassle .
8 His name was Joe Jack , and after my first visit I went back many times to hear him talk as he carved out the shape of a leather sole or polished a repaired shoe on his rotary machine .
9 None of the patients in either group had severe colitis at entry or developed a severe flare during the study .
10 It is uncertain whether he composed this song himself or adapted an existing poem to the mocking , sentimental tone that was his and was already regarded as typical of Dublin .
11 It states it shall be the duty of local authorities , there i- , and on that point I , you know , in this area , I do n't think that Wiltshire County Council has done , or spent a great deal of money in actually furthering those .
12 If a person completed a year 's hiring in a parish , or served a full period of apprenticeship , then the right of settlement shifted to that parish .
13 The important thing in this case was to reward him for being good rather than punish him for being naughty — if you scold or hit a young horse for not standing still you will only make matters worse .
14 Whenever she felt unwell or oppressed she embarked on a new course of treatment at the alternative medicine centre or ingested a new range of vitamins .
15 Mandalay claims it , and the claim seems reasonable until you see Meiktila , a city of tents , or Myingyan in ruins , or Myitkyina a big sprawling village of huts , or Yenangyaung a derelict area of rusting oil derricks , or Prome flat and deserted .
16 A separate Harmsworth chain owned a morning and three evenings , and United Newspapers controlled or had a major interest in six .
17 Business friends , golfing partners , members of your fucking club , whoever 's on the board of your companies , anyone you 've made a phone call to , or had a confidential chat with , anyone who 's asked for help , or given it .
18 The corners of his mouth bit inward deeply ; it was sometimes difficult to know whether he smiled , or had a wry taste on his tongue .
19 This action is available if , at the time of the conversion , the plaintiff was in possession of the goods ( The Jag-Shakti [ 1986 ] 1 AC 337 ) or had an immediate right of possession of them .
20 However , many academic courses have or had an implicit point of reference in school-teaching , and many are organized in institutes or professional or subject associations .
21 Had they checked with a knowledgeable nuclear physicist — and there were several in the nearby physics department who could have helped — or held a technical seminar before the press conference , they would have learned this before events overtook them .
22 The common name is a corruption of the word febrifuge , from the Latin febris , fever , and fugo , put to flight , but it does not seem in the past to have been used or considered a specific remedy for high temperatures .
23 There were modest alternatives available to an antislavery readership but they either propounded the outlook of a minority tendency as did the Anti-Slavery Advocate , edited by the Irish Garrisonian Richard Webb in the 1850s , or had a predominantly local circulation as was likely with the short-lived Anti-Slavery Watchman of Manchester produced by the Garrisonian group around George Thompson and his son-in-law F. W. Chesson , or propounded a particular remedy for slavery in the case of the Quaker Richardson family in Newcastle through the Slave 's stress on the free produce movement .
24 Central government has neither conducted a national survey of illegal drug use nor developed an adequate system of monitoring known cases other than those identified by medical practitioners-who are anyway partial and negligent in their notifying practices .
25 They seem neither to have conceptualized their experience of time nor formed an abstract idea of history .
26 I sniffed it and whispered an obscene word to it , then I put on my coat and overshoes and walked out of the hotel .
27 Attempts to reconcile these two decisions have expanded human ingenuity and expended an unconscionable amount of time , effort and paper .
28 As we have seen , although positivist criminologists were often shy of associating themselves with specific corrective programmes , they saw crime as pathological and shared a general consensus in favour of a broadly rehabilitative approach to ridding ourselves of it .
29 Alec stretched out his arm and laid a comforting hand over hers .
30 His host quickly crossed the solar and laid a conciliatory hand on the younger man 's arm .
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