Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [adv] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Here too the distinction was not absolute , and hides many other differences ; but the bulk of the lower clergy were half educated at best , and led quite a different life from their superiors .
2 She lifted a hand to her face and wiped away a greasy sheen of sweat .
3 It was not itself a centre of manufacturing , but it outstripped all other ports as a point of transit for English exports and became thereby a major entrepot of international trade .
4 His red , lumpy features were transfigured and he stopped being a badly assembled mass of fleshy fragments and became instead a vital man .
5 Even when compared with the 1983 landslide victory , the Conservative share of the vote increased in the South East ( including Greater London ) , East Anglia , West Midlands and East Midlands , and registered only a marginal decline in the South West ( albeit with a share of the vote still in excess of 50 per cent ) .
6 That may be so , but the prince was ousted from power by the Lon Nol coup back in 1970 , and made only a brief comeback as a Khmer Rouge figurehead in 1976 .
7 They were used mainly to provide public works and made only a marginal impact upon the distressed : the Poplar workhouse was severely overcrowded in both winters .
8 The preferred model , which allows individuals to treat sources of income receipts other than benefits and earnings differently , gave very good results , and passed both a statistical test and a theory check for consistency .
9 It was begun in 1084 and built over a seventh century church which now forms a crypt .
10 Only when he trawled his memory of leaving the room earlier , and found there a distinct recollection of checking that he had locked the door behind him , did irritation turn to anxiety .
11 Then she seated herself opposite him , and drew forward a small table , on which were two packs of cards .
12 Duncan and Lisburn 's Neil McGrann were side by side after 50 metres , but it was the Ards swimmer who produced that little bit extra and came home a comfortable winner in a time of 1.10.13 .
13 She was determined that it was n't he who had affected her appetite either , and went down to dinner that night and ate quite a substantial meal , only to return to her room and spend the next hour again having trouble ousting the wretched man .
14 We made it a bit more Kinks-y and added just a little bit of flamenco , but how can you improve a great song like that ? ’
15 Heavy dark green velvet curtains were partly drawn across these and allowed only a single column of light to enter the room .
16 He was a disciplinarian , but a very fair and good man and organized quite a large number of servants , including three footmen and several housemaids and kitchen-workers .
17 By the time Mary was ready to go , her uniform was dry and showed only a faint mark or two .
18 For she stood before him naked and brazen , and began again a slow weaving movement of her limbs , without departing from where she stood .
19 The sack of Rome , when the brute and lascivious soldiery of the Emperor Charles V raped the women , robbed the churches , and broke open a long-dead Pope 's tomb to steal the ring from his finger , was only one of the invasions of this long-suffering land .
20 The villa at Snodland was excavated in 1964 and covered quite a considerable area stretching for several hundred feet along the bank of the river , the site now occupied by the Lead Wool Co. and the Gas Works .
21 We went up to the Downs and at least I stayed in the saddle , and felt indeed a new sense of being at home there , of being at ease .
22 And he had the walls of the city prepared , and stored it well with food and with all things needful for war , and gathered together a great power of Christians and of the Moors of his seignory .
23 I did n't explain why and took instead a tartan scarf — to be Rob Roy , I said , but actually to conceal my lack of proper neckwear .
24 COLCHESTER sent the largest contingent of athletes to the Essex 10-miles race-walking championships at Ilford , and took home a small share of the medals .
25 Wary of the advantages the Kiwi teams had had on home ground , Fusil refused to name the route , but still made one vital error ( and gave away a crucial piece of information for the Costa Rican teams ) by saying it would be a coast-to-coast race across the Central American country .
26 I arrived after the kick-off , and gave away a crucial penalty with a hand ball which allowed the other team to draw 1-1 .
27 In due course they were fitted to all the rest of the fleet and gave quite a distinctive appearance to South Metropolitan cars .
28 He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and tore away a ragged stretch of skin .
29 She listened to his advice and bought instead a Welsh pony with the vague idea of attaching it to a trap and doing the shopping in it .
30 Some had been coming for a year or more and spoke quite a little English .
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