Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [pers pn] [art] few [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Surely the Minister feels some embarrassment about the fact that a former Minister at his Department bought a Guyanese asset for £9.7 million and sold it a few months later for £62 million worth of shares ?
2 He held for Alice altogether a great fascination , but she steadfastly refused offers to go and see him in the nursery , and ignored him the few occasions he was on show .
3 While Sergeant Bird was in the lecture hall , Montgomery walked over to one of the other statuettes and lifted it a few inches .
4 He picked her up and threw her a few metres down the corridor .
5 Behaving like an infatuated teenager , just because he 's taken me out , and kissed me a few times ?
6 Crossing to the bed , she put a hand behind Lucien 's head , raised it , and offered him a few sips of water from a rough ceramic bowl .
7 Five minutes later , an Arab in a small blue van stopped and gave me a few kilos of tangerines .
8 And it but the erm the goats apparently were no problem today , they just stayed on and gave them a few bits and pieces you know so that was fair enough .
9 I hired a karaoke machine , went down the pub and gave 'em a few numbers ; ‘ Girl From Ipanema ’ , ‘ I Write The Songs ’ .
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