Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [art] [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Pushing a renegade curl from his forehead , he divested the boot of our luggage and led the way to reception , where we said goodbye to Sandy , the lady driver .
2 At the conference , the Director of the National Museum in Phnom Penh , Pich Keo , asked Unesco to pass information on stolen property to Interpol and the International Council of Museums , and made a plea to museum directors to research the provenance of objects in their collections , and to return those illegally exported from Cambodia .
3 They got off the bus at Holborn and got a train to Mile End , from there taking another train to Ilford .
4 He then spent another three hours combining the ingredients in his kitchen while his wife Kate dressed the dining table and got the children to bed .
5 These researchers recruited 154 adults and children into a placebo-controlled crossover trial and found no response to treatment .
6 Having lost in the last group match against Australia 6–0 and punctured an eardrum to boot , he admits he felt depressed .
7 The Institute of Economic Affairs had for a long time been polemicising against the extension of state activity on the grounds that it restricted choice , led to dependency and reduced the motivation to work , and fostered economic inefficiency in comparison with ‘ private enterprise ’ .
8 NASA named its first shuttle Enterprise , and played the theme to Star Trek at its unveiling .
9 From this , the Necropolis Company invented and patented the earth to earth wicker coffin .
10 Staring round at the dark grey clouds scudding across the sky , at the almost violet light on the horizon , Hilary tilted her face and allowed the rain to sluice her tears away .
11 The Apple deal reportedly came about because Echo used the Mac , theoretically the toughest nut to crack , as its proof of concept and showed the system to Apple last year , translating Macintosh programs to several unidentified RISC platforms .
12 Following the transfer of power the opposition parties officially called off their agitation programmes and urged a return to work .
13 Both miglitol and acarbose significantly increased breath hydrogen excretion ( F 2 , 3 4 =6.31 , p=0.005 ) and shortened the mouth to caecum transit time ( F 2 , 3 4 =3.49 , p=0.04 ) after breakfast compared with placebo .
14 Having steadied it with his foot , Michele helped her in , stepped down lightly beside her , and brought the engine to life .
15 We had a wonderfully imaginative French teacher who spoke only French in the class-room , taught us French songs , introduced us to French games , and brought the lesson to life .
16 She bought textbooks , studied in bed at dawn , and went every night to evening classes given by a frockcoated seer who spoke about calculus as though it were a way of life .
17 Ellen and I worked hard that week and , on the Saturday , as though to commiserate with ourselves on this being our last day alone together , we stopped work at midday and took a bus to Mama Sipcott 's Café on the beach where we ate lobster and drank too much of Mama 's sticky-sweet white wine .
18 After visiting the Pleasure Beach and Bispham , the Lifeboat diverted from the Promenade at the Gynn and took the Duke to North Station to catch his train !
19 Lyn left him in bed and took the car to work , promising to be back early to give him his lunch .
20 ‘ Denounced the isolationists , reconciled the Party to the League by supporting rearmament , and reconciled the pacifists to rearmament by supporting the Covenant .
21 Blore , quoting Butcher , states that ‘ the learning of the Heathens flourished there , until Lucius King of the Britains , about the year 192 , … exploded the profession of heathen philosophy ’ and converted the university to Christianity .
22 ( Some were less successful than others and had the appearance to Rose of blunt and rather insecure rowing boats , which to the end of her life she believed them to be . )
23 She was chilly and irritable , liked tasty foods and vinegar , and had an aversion to fat , meat and milk .
24 McLeish , tired as he was , fell promptly on this witness and accepted an invitation to coffee .
25 Harrison handed over the binoculars and twitched the wheel to port .
26 I was told one flight was full , and left the gate to mooch around the newsstands .
27 It did not but the lowing herd wound its way to and from the milking sheds , and left the world to darkness and to us each night .
28 Socialist parties have often rejected such a close connection with the Western alliance , but claimed a commitment to pacifism , neutrality and equality also found among left-wing parties in the West .
29 Several other nations ( Brazil , China , Federal German Republic , German Democratic Republic , India , Japan , Poland and South Africa ) have declared interests in Antarctica and established scientific stations there , but lay no claims to territory themselves , and avoid adopting positions on the claims of others .
30 DON GOODMAN grabbed the goals that took the heat off boss Malcolm Crosby … but gave the credit to striker sidekick Peter Davenport .
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