Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many volunteers acted as models or helped behind the scenes with refreshments and raffle tickets .
2 What is , to my mind , incredible , is that he could ever have supposed that the money was being either paid by the plaintiffs or received by the defendants with the intention or on the footing that the defendants were to keep it in any event .
3 Marlin had been as solicitous as an erring husband since the attack , calling her from his office every hour or so , and several times suggesting that she might want to talk with an analyst , or at very least with one of his many friends who 'd been assaulted or mugged on the streets of Manhattan .
4 The only real element of surprise lay in the fact that little had been seen or heard of the extremists since the Republicans ' dramatic rise on the West German political scene in 1989 .
5 In the evenings and at weekends she visited her friends , or walked through the fields with Diana , or sat talking to Matthew .
6 Bullets drilled into wood or stone or sang off the walls with a loud whine .
7 One by one the men emerged from the huts or appeared among the trees on the top of the bank .
8 They are the dishes invented or popularized by the bargemen of the Rhone and their wives , and by the proprietors of the humble inns and charcuteries who used to cater for the men who worked the inland waterways .
9 The edict of Guntram issued at Péronne , and appended to the canons of the Council of Mâcon of 585 , continues royal involvement in ecclesiastical legislation , with an attack on Sunday work , and by backing the force of the canons with secular sanctions .
10 Even liberals believed that the colonies would remain loyal if they received economic benefits and shared in the ideals of liberty , equality and fraternity , which France provided through her ‘ civilising mission ’ .
11 While Joseph tearfully attended his father 's grave , and gazed into the reflections of Wallowa Lake , McLaughlin reported that the Nez Perce 's return there would be impractical .
12 The demolition of the mosque at Ayodhya triggered angry reactions across the Moslem world and led to the deaths of an estimated 25 people in neighbouring Moslem states .
13 The project has decimated the Amazon forest and led to the deaths of 1,000 Indians since their habitat was opened up 10 years ago .
14 He replied that there was no substance in the allegation of French unpreparedness in the Verdun sector and asked for the names of those who had given Galliéni the information so that they might be admonished .
15 The plot concerns a strategy conceived and agreed by the women of the world to end all wars .
16 ( avoiding the word " but " ) , the sufferer is presented with clear choices that have been discussed and agreed by the participants in advance .
17 It consists of a boat-like main hull and two outrigger pontoons , or sideswimmers , which are lifted hydraulically to rest on top for road travel and which are extended and lowered to the sides for stability on the water .
18 As a consequence , the very idea of politics became degraded and execrated in the minds of the citizens , as it seemed to them synonymous with lawlessness , mendacity and opportunism . ’
19 Before the Soviet revolution of 1917 , one approached and rode through the groves in silence lest the gods and spirits of the woods be offended .
20 From then onwards we cut full-size wallpaper blocks faced with lino and passed on the blocks to Coles who printed and sold the designs . ’
21 Gavin Dalzell of Lesmahagow copied his machine in 1846 and passed on the details to so many people that for more than fifty years he was generally regarded as the inventor of the bicycle .
22 I pulled on a sweater and trousers and crept down the stairs in bare feet .
23 At five o'clock she returned to the theatre and crept up the stairs to the dressing-room .
24 They would be segregated from members of the caste system and lived on the outskirts of villages or in their own communities .
25 She was the daughter of an old and scholarly man ( whom Alice thought to be about ninety-five ) and lived on the outskirts of Flaxthorpe .
26 ‘ Gone off and lived in the flowers like good little pixies ? ’
27 Daemons howled and gibbered in the ruins of ancient settlements .
28 Denis could imagine Hardy telling the others in the unit about Hurley 's old man , such a reliable , dependable , loyal , Irish subject of King and country that he answered His Britannic Majesty 's call to arms and fought across the seas under the British Crown for the rights of small nations !
29 But during the night the mice invaded their camp and gnawed through all the halters , saddle-girths , and reins , while the bears , foxes , and cats growled and howled around the outskirts of the camp with a sound fearful enough to make your blood run cold .
30 Marge , the gal who capsized and bumped over the rocks at Chase Rapids , showed us her bottom bruises .
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