Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [pron] [adv] into the " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes the violent power of the Spirit is seen in almost physical terms , as when the Spirit of the Lord entered into Ezekiel and set him on his feet , or lifted him up , or brought him out into the valley ( Ezek. 2:2 , 3:12 , 37:1 ) .
2 ‘ Finally on the seventh day , I thought that , being Catholic , they 'd rest , but still unfed and unwatered , each pony was blindfolded and tacked up , and Raimundo got on each one 's back , and whipped it and whipped it out into the pampas , until the pony 's spirit was completely broken , and it 'll never argue with man again .
3 ‘ Come on , ’ he turned her neatly and propelled her back into the living room .
4 A burst of fire cut the bald man in two at point-blank range and propelled him headlong into the ditch like a blow from a sledge-hammer .
5 He looked momentarily surprised and then , after throwing Luke a somewhat triumphant look , he smiled and took her by the hand , and led her through into the living-room .
6 ‘ That 's him , then , all gone , ’ Gloria said , before a nurse came scurrying out through the doors , took her by the arm and led her back into the ward .
7 He signalled to the waiter that he had put two twenty-peseta notes on the table , and led her out into the afternoon sun .
8 The guy let him carry his own case and led him through into the concourse where the English driver from the Embassy pool was waiting .
9 She took him by the arm and led him unresistingly into the house .
10 Senga took her brother 's hand and led him out into the hall .
11 Her partner lit the candle , and inserted it deep into the Arab girl 's vagina .
12 She was trembling as she bent down and inserted it carefully into the left-hand drawer of the desk .
13 The amusement in his voice stung , and she snatched the papers from him and stuffed them deep into the pocket of her briefcase .
14 Allen whistled , picked up a stone and flung it high into the trees .
15 The new novel has married the pair and moved them on into the mid-Sixties and from the provinces to London , where Patrick works misgivingly in a fashionable publishing-house .
16 A hand caught his and drew him quietly into the room .
17 Strong hands turned him round and helped him out into the street again .
18 Strong hands turned Soapy round and helped him out into the street again .
19 The old gentleman who was the owner of the shop encouraged me and helped me along into the business .
20 " Mr Gillman 's ready for you now , " she said to the older of the women , and helped her gently into the consulting room .
21 Early on the morning of the evacuation the families were preparing to embark when , in full sight of the military escort , gunmen surrounded the plane , forced the 11 men into a truck at gunpoint , and drove them off into the bush .
22 She tried to push past him , to get to the door , but he caught hold of her arm , spun her round and bundled her back into the lounge .
23 But then her smile twisted as her hand reached out to grasp the form of my costume — and lifted me smoothly into the air , at arms length above her head .
24 One witness said : ‘ The plane had already landed , but the wind came under the wings and lifted it back into the air .
25 For a moment she looked furiously at Donald , her teeth bared like a cat 's , then she shook her hair out , spattering Donald with bree and barley , and hauled him back into the dance .
26 Shutt got the ball about 15 yards out and hammered it low into the right corner ( Nice goal Carl ) .
27 Axelrod took the 63 strategies and threw them again into the computer to make ‘ generation 1 ’ of an evolutionary succession .
28 Without holstering his gun , or taking his eyes off the glimmering phenomenon , Bishop dragged the little man from the chamber and threw him bodily into the Pit .
29 He looked down at the discod still clenched in his hand and threw it impulsively into the pillar of light .
30 Then he picked up a rock from the shallow water at the edge of the pool and threw it out into the middle , making a huge splash ; the rings of the splash spread nearly to the edge of the pool .
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