Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] them [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Processing items as soon as possible after soiling and/or submitting them to preliminary treatment .
2 Such transfers need to be undertaken with care to avoid damaging the fish or subjecting them to sudden temperature changes .
3 This was partly because each brand of typesetting machine tended to have a different way of preparing the bit-map , but it also had to do with the very nature of the technique : rotating the letters , making them larger or smaller , or altering them in any way involved a new bit-map .
4 Even the DGSE might have baulked at letting them drown or shooting them in cold blood .
5 The role of the museum is to present the collection in a fresh way , both showing unfamiliar paintings and hanging them in natural light ’ .
6 It seems right to see Hubble 's greatness in recognising splendid opportunities and pursuing them with utmost devotion and superb vision .
7 Then steam or boil the vegetables in a small amount of salted water , before draining and tossing them in melted butter .
8 The Soviet statistics were terribly messy and scattered all over the place but Davies and Barker finally succeeded in teasing them out and knocking them into some sort of shape .
9 By adopting such beliefs and applying them to contemporary society both found sustenance in elitist moral and ethical beliefs which were far removed from contemporary reality .
10 It involved thrusting a lighted taper into little glass jars and applying them in great haste to Jean-Claude 's back , which would bubble up under them in balloons of skin .
11 She had always tried to emulate Isabelle , too , in buying the best clothes she could afford , and keeping them in pristine condition , making sure she was well-groomed at all times .
12 The company has since made a remarkable recovery by clearing out its middle management ranks and replacing them with semi-autonomous work teams .
13 He worked frantically to help the casualties , tearing up what was left of his linen for bandages and soaking them in olive oil and wax to apply to bums .
14 Toddler walks with her had been a superhuman test of patience as she squatted by every puddle , slowly stirring the water with sticks , and picked up myriads of stones , tenderly brushing them free of earth and inserting them with infinite laboriousness into pockets already grinding with pebbles .
15 They were all out in the courtyard , and the evening sun was slanting low golden shafts of colour from the west , catching the windows of the ancient palace and turning them to molten copper .
16 Our awareness of the area under discussion , and our capacity for exercising choice , will increase through the effort of applying them , and balancing them against each other .
17 Back to nursing events are not new but are a valuable means of locating nurses and interesting them in current health issues .
18 It is worth photocopying the more useful reading lists , and filing them in classified order in a pamphlet bibliography collection .
19 Because of the mismatch between processor and transput device speeds , we are led to consider uncoupling the devices from direct processor control and providing them with some degree of autonomy .
20 What is envisaged here is a ‘ pincer movement ’ for democratising the operations of large multidivisional enterprises and subjecting them to popular accountability .
21 If the scope of reason is confined to refining and systematising imperatives and deducing them from each other , how can it ever change their relation to the spontaneous ?
22 Maybe Jack was rounding them up and moving them to another field .
23 The dandelion is equally dependable , opening its flowers in the morning and closing them in late afternoon .
24 Mr Quarmby describes himself as going ‘ cap in hand to the recording companies and asking them for advance rental income ’ .
25 So , in effect , the SAM works by taking an enormous number of individual measurements of acoustic reflectivity and converting them to equivalent light and dark dots on a TV screen where they can be seen by the human eye .
26 The comparative method in sociology will be discussed in chapter 3 , but essentially consists of the sociologist assembling data about several societies or social contexts and comparing them with each other , with the intention of explaining the causes of any variations .
27 ‘ How much is really saved by reducing a species to a handful of survivors and banishing them to glorified captivity ?
28 They then began to play a game which involved tearing pieces off the aircraft and hurtling them at each other .
29 Knowledge Adventure is very good at throwing out nuggets of information , and placing them into some sort of context .
30 He shuffled papers , bringing them together and placing them to one side , face downwards .
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