Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A disobedience means a refusal , run-out or circling immediately in front of the obstacle .
2 If this happens , a pilot may mistake pitching or sinking rapidly in turbulence as an indication that the aircraft has stalled .
3 It stipulated that neutrality should be guaranteed by banning them from accepting party political positions or speaking publicly on behalf of political parties .
4 DECADES make convenient units of time for historians , sociologists and pundits of every stripe , but the people who live and work through them do n't share the same enthusiasm for tying everything into bundles or stopping precisely at midnight on December 31 .
5 Some teachers and writers , perhaps carried away by behaviourist doctrine in the narrower sense , or thinking only in terms of sequential and very logically organized subject-matter , have over-emphasized what is involved and over-simplified the usefulness and effectiveness of " specifying objectives " .
6 A further major difference between many of the search firms is whether a consultant is really working under the umbrella of a big name in the executive search business or working truly as part of a team .
7 The other thing to avoid is swaying backward and forward so that you are alternately bellowing and whispering , fading out or disappearing entirely at intervals like a badly tuned radio station !
8 This frontal assault on goal , he explained to the Examiner , was held to be a ‘ more deadly , if less spectacular , method ’ than the ‘ senseless policy of running along the lines and centring just in front of the goalmouth , where the odds are nine to one on the defenders ’ .
9 There are further exceptions dating from 1970 and applying only in actions in respect of personal injuries or death .
10 Her priorities include giving more encouragement to medical research ; emphasis on preventive health to make the NHS a ‘ health as well as a sickness service ’ , with the publication shortly of new national targets for reducing deaths from heart disease and cancers ; and pressing ahead with care in the community .
11 Apparently it has been similar to the crew of a huge tanker somewhere on the high seas sailing hither and tither no doubt , for four long years after setting out , and returning just in time for the recent elections .
12 ‘ The strain of living in Matlock during the week and returning home to Darlington at weekends was , in retrospect , building up almost imperceptibly , ’ he wrote .
13 A month later Sebastian started work at a London travel agent , living in lodgings on work days , and returning home to Hazelbury on his off days , and Leith heard that she had got the job at Ardis & Co .
14 At some point , between the end of the prosecution in December and the beginning of the defence in February , Noriega 's lawyers abandoned what was to be a sensational defence : a claim that Noriega was a dupe of CIA-contract pilots running guns to Nicaraguan Contras and returning home via Panama with cocaine .
15 Such a muddled approach is symptomatic of a tendency , among all too many people who should know better , to treat the taking and driving away of vehicles as a less serious offence than it is .
16 Moreover the Brigadier was far too busy reminiscing with Lady Southdown , talking politics with Lord Southdown , and flirting mildly with Clarissa on his other side .
17 We will be offering advice and support , and listening carefully to feedback from centres on their experience of implementing the new awards .
18 ‘ Those pitiless Goblin scum , ’ sobbed Gambo as a Wolf Rider bound towards him brandishing a spear and grinning broadly in anticipation of an easy kill .
19 They are the result of two years of research and writing mainly by Maori for non-Maori readers .
20 A child could have seen over them : rows of small children were in fact busy looking over them as she stood there , and looking moreover without disguise at her .
21 we go on hoping and fighting and imagining , despite whatever goes wrong with anybody but the Tory Party is diverting itself with internal feuds and in focusing attention on whether Mr Major will remain Prime Minister or not and this is presumably so that they may ignore the real issues of how to the get the country onto some shared basis of consensus , trust and pragmatic politics which would give our society a chance of facing up to questions of economics , politics , pollution and living together in community in the sort of world we 've actually got .
22 After a time David relaxed and joined in , complimenting Felicity , chaffing her husband and turning often to Julia to remind-her of earlier conversations they had had or to ask her opinion .
23 Although he referred to her in letters to Zbo as ‘ his wife ’ and was concerned and excited about the baby , Modi was very much the Italian husband , leaving his woman alone while he visited the cafés , living inside of himself for much of the time , coming home drunk and moving restlessly from place to place .
24 Dzos stood patiently in line waiting to be unloaded , and moving forward in turn without orders .
25 Clytemnestra agreed vociferously , leaping on to a stool and screeching hysterically at sight of her lead .
26 Under Juan 's pony 's elegant hooves , the ground was cracking and blowing away in clouds of dust .
27 Yeah , but I , I think the reason I feel a bit bitter about it is living round here , you see all the dirties and the scruffies , you get annoyed , absolute no order , they 've crawled into the system right up to and doing openly in front of you
28 Disruption was minimal with the backing plant up and running again in time for the factory re-opening .
29 The company , which claims to have the product up and running smoothly in Norway at the Ministry of Defence and in Sweden in the educational administration , is dreaming of becoming the industry 's new standard of connectivity .
30 Nor is it the selecting and putting together of parts of apparently diverse lessons from the past .
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