Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] [adv] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the covert researcher is not to arouse suspicion , then he or she must behave like a believer , not stepping out of line by questioning or exhibiting too much curiosity about the functioning of the organisation .
2 Governments were under constant pressure to provide such facilities and , in addition to politicising consumption , they constantly risked running into fiscal crises themselves or charging even higher taxes on the capitalist enterprises they were supposed to be supporting .
3 After talking to an unco-operative debtor on the phone , or having yet another confrontation with the Sales Department , do you feel calm and relaxed ?
4 Such situations have to be handled delicately , without putting down the more extrovert or putting too much pressure on the more introverted to make a contribution .
5 Improving the outlook for patients will require either diagnosing cancer at an asymptomatic and presumably earlier phase or offering more effective treatment for those with advanced disease .
6 Faced with such a threat local councillors are forced to choose between cutting standards of service or imposing even higher rates on occupiers of property .
7 Shadow lace is formed by knitting every needle on bed 1 , and knitting only certain needles on bed 2 and transferring all or some of the stitches from bed 2 to bed 1 every so often as required by the design .
8 He had set his heart on punching tickets and helping little old ladies on and off the bus , but he was spurned .
9 Appendix III shows the almost circular relationship between not having a bank account and using relatively costly forms of credit .
10 Consumed with rage and anxiety , Tobias Beventini , physician , prowled through the warm , pretty villa of the loveliest woman in Nicosia , bumping into maids carrying baskets of linen and other maids bearing pressed robes and doublets , concealing himself from the man who wanted to trim the fluff round his scalp , and using long Latin words to the other man who wanted to polish his spurs and his jewellery .
11 The Indian Christian Art Association ( ICAA ) is celebrating more than ten year 's work encouraging and bringing together Christian artists from throughout the country .
12 Some tips to get you started include using stairs instead of lifts and enjoying more sedate forms of exercise , such as bowling or the nonviolent martial arts designed to keep you trim .
13 Some tips to get you started include using stairs instead of lifts and enjoying more sedate forms of exercise , such as bowling or the nonviolent martial arts designed to keep you trim .
14 ‘ Here I Am ’ has taken into account the development of the National Curriculum and aims to ensure that the quality of Religious Education is as challenging and demanding as other areas of the children 's learning .
15 Increasingly , methodological work in subject areas was becoming more sophisticated , and demanding more rigorous integration of ‘ foundation ’ procedures into the needs of particular subjects .
16 Only Maxwell fought a rearguard action to defeat a measure imposing a minimum ( though not very onerous , £7,500 ) cost for quota-registered films , and allowing more expensive films to be registered for double or triple quota .
17 There was talk of having a professional army and allowing more republican independence in military affairs while leaving the nuclear forces under single control .
18 For the ‘ Third World ’ was invented in the context of the 1955 Bandung Conference , on the model of the French Revolution 's ‘ Third Estate ’ , and incorporating equally revolutionary ideals of providing a radical alternative to the hegemonic capitalist-socialist power blocks of the post-war period .
19 And slicing away one part of , transferring the spinal unit , just taking out bits and pieces , is designed to weaken the idea that itself can stand on its own .
20 The dam was planned to be the largest of its kind ever built , creating a 600 km-long reservoir , and displacing around 1,000,000 people from their homes ; its total cost was estimated at 57,000 million yuan .
21 Meanwhile , Mr Heseltine is arguing inflation is still the real danger — and warning more spending power in the economy could just suck in imports as in the past .
22 The problem is how the professional bodies themselves can maintain ethical discipline over members , with regard to the prospect of shareholders seeking high profitability and paying rather less concern to the interests of the company 's clients .
23 The traverse of Fell End Clouds is a short delightful expedition , less than three miles in walking distance from the road and entailing only 500 feet of climbing .
24 Defined as the " executive apparatus of presidential authority " ; headed by a Premier chosen by and reporting to the President , and comprising around 15 heads of ministries and departments in charge of " those spheres of government assigned to the Union in keeping with the allocation of powers between the Union and the republics " , plus the heads of republican governments ; replaced the 69-member Council of Ministers , responsible directly to the Supreme Soviet .
25 ‘ So there am I spending the rest of that day with you in my thoughts , and getting barely any rest from thoughts of you when I try to sleep at night either . ’
26 He swivelled from joist to joist , raker to rafter , feeling horribly like a monkey and getting very cold feet in the process even though he was breaking out in a sweat at the same time .
27 On the one hand , setting and enforcing more adequate levels of child support goes some way to redressing the balance of the current situation where the costs of supporting children fall almost entirely on the mother .
28 And grazing too many animals on too little land leaves soil unprotected against wind or water erosion .
29 Demonstrations continued into Jan. 11 despite an announcement by Souflias that the government was withdrawing all the new education discipline measures and allocating substantially more money for education in the budget .
30 Active research is ensuring diversification of the genetic stock and providing more compatible conditions in which the animals live a more challenging life and will increase in number .
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