Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The importance of locational specifications in general can be gauged from the fact that there seem to be two basic ways of referring to objects — by describing or naming them on the one hand , and by locating them on the other ( Lyons , 1977a : 648 ) .
2 He seemed more likely to blow a kiss than to throw a punch ; to be at a dinner-table than to be down in the dives ; to be rubbing shoulders than to be shoving or sticking it to the comfortable ( I almost said to the bourgeoisie . )
3 If you try to make life complicated for yourself by using the wrong tool or handling it in an inappropriate fashion then the result is solely your responsibility .
4 But there is always room for more and the Managing Director of the Resource Centre , Sr Anna Doherty would like to hear from any individuals , groups , clubs or organisations interested in organising an event or contributing anything to the general fun of the weekend .
5 This is most emphatically not the same as blaming ourselves or burdening ourselves with an unnecessary load of guilt .
6 In the early stages it was finding them a deal , or moving them to the next level up . ’
7 Diluting it and mixing in it into slurry lagoons or spreading it at a low rate on grassland was a method used in the past , but even that may not be possible now .
8 The seller must be someone who is hiring the vehicle under a hire purchase agreement or buying it under a conditional sale agreement .
9 But if you are thinking of buying little Johnnie a pet parrot for his birthday or treating yourself to an exotic fur coat or snake-skin handbag , CITES will affect your decision .
10 This might be a display for others to see , a school open day when work is displayed to outside visitors , going on a site visit , bringing in a special visitor to view what has been produced , taking part in a play or pageant , or recreating something like a Victorian school day , or some other event , or compiling a class book to hold the results of their work .
11 are the relatively simple techniques relating to the facts about costs and outputs — numbers of staff , numbers of applications dealt with capable of being developed to deal with far more complex questions about outcomes : what did this activity actually achieve , in terms of modernizing British industry … improving the nation 's health , or educating it for the 21st century ?
12 In the past such animals have been models of cleanliness , always asking to go outside before defecating , or confining themselves to a modern litter tray .
13 burning pet waste , or placing it in a sealed bag in a suitable container .
14 It was stated that authorities on the Japanese constitution did not see difficulty in fitting security provisions into a treaty or placing it in a discrete American-Japanese treaty .
15 When she comes to Henry VIII in her History of England , she observes that ‘ nothing can be said in his vindication , but that his abolishing Religious Houses & leaving them to the ruinous depredations of time has been of infinite use to the landscape of England in general ’ .
16 If it has n't , the only thing you can do — apart from continuing your garage-less existence , or renting one from a car-less neighbour — is to convert part of the ground floor of your house to construct a built-in garage , with all the upheaval and loss of living space which that entails .
17 For a time DeVore simply watched her , following her every movement with the hidden cameras , switching from screen to screen , zooming in to focus on her face or watching her from the far side of the room .
18 Narrow neutrality consists in helping or hindering them to an equal degree in those activities and regarding those resources that they would wish neither to engage in nor to acquire but for the conflict .
19 This is not , in fact , a problem , since LIFESPAN provides the tools for creating other DCs as the need arises and attaching them to the same package .
20 He took her chin between finger and thumb , turning her face and drowning her in the warm amber light of his eyes .
21 ‘ The native habit of tethering horses and hobbling them in the full glare of a torrid sun ( with a temperature of perhaps 120 degrees F. in the shade ) destroys the strongest constitution and often kills them out-right …
22 The cause of British nurses and nursing itself in the 1980s has been championed most consistently by Trevor Clay .
23 Seeing the latter in one-dimensional terms , and characterising it as a weak version of the more prestigious intellectual analogues used ( design as weak art or weak science ) , such models never explored design — cognitive activity from its own standpoint or in respect of its own efficacy .
24 Within south Korea policy should be aimed at consolidating democratic groups and drawing them into the military administration .
25 LUKE SAT ON AN expo love-seat in Club World at Heathrow , drinking Volvic and availing himself of a complimentary fax machine — clearing up the initial paperwork with Mike on the poem .
26 It has been stated that the principle of primogenital succession was increasingly observed in the eleventh century ; but there was a substantial difference between accepting the customary right of the eldest son to succeed , if he were of age and competent , and accepting it as an inviolable rule , as was proved by the usurpation of Robert the Frisian , and perhaps also by the succession of Raymond IV of Toulouse ( though here the facts are rather uncertain ) .
27 The plan for converting the large volumes of the mill interior into living accommodation involved retaining the entrance into the lean-to engine house and using it as the main entrance to the building .
28 But in the same split second something like an iron band clamped round his waist , squeezing the breath from him and bringing him to a dead stop .
29 Crosland had realized ‘ the impossibility , as he saw it , of a Labour Secretary of State taking institutions from urban local education authorities which were predominantly controlled by Labour , and bringing them under the same regime as the universities ’ .
30 The Report of the Data Protection Committee was published late in 1978 , a bad time for political initiatives : within a few months the new Conservative Government was in office and contenting itself with a fresh and laborious round of further consultations — there seemed little likelihood of anything being done until , in 1981 , the Council of Europe , as part of its concern with human rights , opened its ‘ Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Data Processing ’ for signature by States which had appropriate legislation enacted .
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