Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] [prep] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When sideways movement or typing in a wide document reaches the edge of the window the text scrolls horizontally in steps to reveal parts of the typing line which had been offscreen .
2 It signals the transformation of the large , lucid Great Sinner into the man who is beyond definition and self-definition , beyond calling himself bored , and whose actions — whether he is biting an ear or enduring a punch in the face or hanging by a well-soaped rope — explain nothing and nobody .
3 ‘ I might be blowing a bit or struggling against a younger player and Stuart will feel we need a fresh pair of legs .
4 I think also that aspersions were cast , as asides , on the true soldierly qualities of Sgt York , and hence on all American soldiers , and a three-way fight broke out among the French-Canadian , American and British , to a background drone of German bombers wending their weary way to or from London , or circling in a desultory fashion prior to dumping their bombs with a dull thud on the surrounding countryside .
5 You 'll naturally find your own level — whether it 's getting into the growing competition circuit or sticking to a local reservoir .
6 It will also raise a few problems for sportsmen and sportswomen who are training or competing in a new time zone to which they have not yet adjusted .
7 There was something uncanny , almost obscene , to Robyn 's eye , about the sudden , violent , yet controlled movements of the machine , darting forward and retreating , like some steely reptile devouring its prey or copulating with a passive mate .
8 each given unit being already known by the receiver , or deriving from a preceding piece of new information .
9 Indeed , it is possible that clinicians would treat cases which they find particularly interesting or challenging from a clinical viewpoint , rather than those which offer the most returns ( in terms of health improvement ) in relation to the cost .
10 The Padre found that they even sometimes flew into his throat while he was reading or praying with a dying man .
11 A child who has been stretched emotionally and imaginatively in fashioning a pot from a lump of clay or weaving upon a simple loom will come , through the process of doing , to learn much about himself and gain some understanding of the pain , pleasure and struggle which underpin craftsmanship .
12 And it is also important not to make the noise by stamping or banging against a hard surface , because this can set up vibrations that even a totally deaf cat can detect through the sensitive pads of its feet .
13 In this new , commercial market a major sales point is the energy saving that is possible with central control of heating and lighting , either manually or according to a timed program .
14 I think we 'd simply need to specify whether ‘ ordinary ’ means selected on a randomized basis or according to a specified distribution by age , sex , class , etcetera .
15 WADING THROUGH mud or swimming through a cold ravine with just a few oatcakes and nuts to keep you going is not very one 's cup of tea , but for six Risley lads it was fun .
16 Some were more active than any predecessor against some particular organism , and some had special merits in use , such as working when given by mouth , or acting for a longer period than usual .
17 The junior will observe an experienced nurse explaining investigations , comforting bereaved relatives or communicating with a deaf patient .
18 Next time you find yourself queuing to have your photo taken on the Cantilever in Snowdonia , or looking for a vacant shelter to eat your sandwiches in on Scafell Pike , stop and look to the west .
19 And the college has a special unit for people who want basic education anyone who is not numerate or wants help with reading or writing in a one-to-one lesson .
20 To praise highly in speech or writing in a formal manner .
21 Indeed ‘ being without anyone ’ is a misery far worse for a writer than bad reviews , or a nagging little illness , or a minor bereavement , or living under a bad government — Dorothy Osborne fared very well under the Commonwealth .
22 If Charlie had been a different man , a cultivated man or effeminate or living in a bygone age when tongues were more freely unloosed , he might now have embraced Jack and told him from a full heart how he entered wholly into his joy and would die for his happiness .
23 If we are in a happy partnership , whether married or living in a close relationship with a man or woman , retirement years are a time to look forward to and for doing things together .
24 For all her professed populism , she was seen as remote from ordinary people , hardly ever catching a train , watching a film , or relaxing in a British holiday resort , turning instinctively to privileged private treatment in educating her children or adopting health-care systems for herself .
25 As Goshiki are grouped in the catch-all Kawarimono class at shows , the Koi buyer with limited funds has a good chance or rearing on a future champion , providing the fish has that certain something .
26 In theory it 's a lovely idea , a whole day just relaxing and listening to God etc , but actually Dad was rather ‘ down ’ this morning before they left — I think he was worried he 'd have more of the Virgin Mary rammed down his throat , and , quite frankly , would rather be playing golf with Mark , or going for a gentle walk with all of us .
27 Erm , it was not possible to get your views in , as it were , personnel terms rather than financial terms on that er report , but er as it were on your behalf , we supported the Treasurer 's er recommendation for reasons set out in paragraph one four , and if I can er explain that for you a little little more , de-regulation could mean , that each employing authority has it 's own scheme of superannuation , or not , and if not would simply leave employees in a position of taking them off the state scheme S E R P S or going for a personal pension .
28 you 'd be expected to , to do a lot of work by yourself , and that 's reflecting the fact that erm you 'll probably have four or five lessons in each of your three subjects , but most people would choose three subjects for A level , and that means that er , when you 're not having lessons , you 've got a lot of time that is not accountable for , you will have been , or going to a general studies period and stuff like that , but there will be a fair number of private study periods , erm , there are some people I think who , who go overboard , and you 've got such a different approach erm from er the lower sixth , people do n't use the time that they have , erm , what I 'm really saying is that if you go into the sixth form and you spend less school time in the sixth form you do n't need to be prepared
29 He suggested that the Government were engineering or conniving at a high level of unemployment .
30 Editor , — Vivienne van Someren does not state in her editorial ( 5 December ) the Department of Health criteria for part time senior registrar training , but Sunita Shrotria says that to work part time ‘ one must be looking after small children , or caring for a disabled relative . ’
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