Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] to the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No one can take the 20-minute boat trip or fly to the airstrip without police permits which are hard to obtain .
2 The cover now being granted is far wider in that the exclusion relates only to damage caused by application of any tool or process to the part in the course of maintenance .
3 Some people who sleep alone read , do a crossword , or listen to the radio for a while .
4 Does not their coming into this relation modify or add to the character of either of them ?
5 Paddy End Vein was the first to be cut in these levels and its course can easily be seen in the cliff or scar to the west of Levers Water where ancient mining has left a conspicuous cleft known as Simon 's Nick .
6 You 'll anchor among the ruins of ancient cities , on the quaysides of small market towns , in beautiful empty sandy bays , or tie to the quay of some tiny restaurant .
7 At the meeting-place of roads on the Plateau d'Iraty there are four things you can do : go unadventurously back the way you came , to Esterençuby ; carry on due east over the Col Bagargui along a tolerable but not always reassuring road into Larrau and the valley of Mauléon ; turn sharp left along a somewhat hazardous stretch of track rather than road towards the village of Men dive ( I funk Ed this route myself , after a short trial run , but bad roads do get mended or improved in the Pyrenees , so one year 's experience may be different from the next ) ; or turn to the right along the very scenic road into the Forêt d'Iraty itself .
8 The easiest way is to employ a local customs agent or go to the airport with the airway bill number and reclaim the parcel from the Iberian cargo office , located west of the main passenger terminal .
9 Customers can register their organisation names or apply to the Registry for a unique set of IPX addresses — or both .
10 As Richard Flathman disapprovingly remarked , ‘ There has been a remarkable coalescence of opinion around the proposition that authority and authority relations involve some species of ‘ surrender of judgment ’ on the part of those who accept submit or subscribe to the authority of persons or a set of rules and offices .
11 If the title is registered , telephone or write to the mortgagee for the title number and bespeak copy entries and filed plan .
12 If you wish to apply for a mortgage under our Professionals ' Mortgage Service , please call at any Midland branch or write to the address at the back of this leaflet , and ask for a copy of our Home Buyers ' Pack , including Midland 's Guide to Home Buying .
13 If you require any further information about our High Interest Deposit Bonds , or any of our other Meridian products , please call at any of our branches , or write to the address at the back of this leaflet .
14 If you would like to know more , please contact the Alumni Office , on 021 414 6878 , or write to the address on page 3 .
15 Gon na write to the University Conference Office , erm and talk to the head of Sue 's school or write to the head of Sue 's school .
16 For copies of Energy Efficiency Office leaflets phone 01-691 9000 or write to the Department of Energy , Energy Efficiency Office , Blackhorse Road , London SE99 6TU .
17 Whether you live in Northamptonshire or come to the area as a visitor , for business or leisure , the expertise of the County 's Tourist Guides will help you get to know this varied County better , and even help you find out more about the areas you thought you knew .
18 Take two-thirds of the red fondant — about 450g ( 1lb ) — and roll it out thinly on a surface dusted with icing sugar or cornflour to the size of the paper rectangle .
19 The demolition of a building does not of itself constitute development , though , of course , it may form part of a building operation , or lead to the making of a material change in the use of the land upon which it stood .
20 The lanes labelled ‘ eq ’ were obtained by mixing the labelled tyr T DNA and the unlabelled calf thymus DNA before addition of the antibiotic and correspond to the pattern at equilibrium .
21 Unless this provision is satisfied , any yearly interest paid by a company must be paid subject to deduction of basic rate income tax , and Target will need to comply with paras 2 to 4 of Sch 16 to the Taxes Act 1988 and account to the Revenue for the tax it is liable to withhold ; the lender will suffer the cash-flow disadvantage of receiving interest payments with tax withheld at source ( although it would be entitled to offset the withholding tax suffered against its corporation tax liability for the same accounting period under s7(2) TA 1988 ) .
22 Heart experts never tire of pointing out that Winston Churchill started life as a frail premature baby , went on to smoke , drink heavily and eat to the point of obesity , but lived to a great age , whereas Nathan Pritikin , inventor of the Pritikin diet , died a premature death despite being obsessed with health .
23 Please complete and send to the office by return .
24 He felt his cock strain and press to the back of the boy 's throat .
25 If we are feeling ambitious we can then take train and ferry to the top of the South Island and proceed down the West Coast .
26 Cut out and glue to the back of the ring .
27 To avoid this you could instead turn eastwards on the Garburn road and descend to the village of Kentmere ( 1.5 miles ) and walk back to Staveley from there ( 4 miles ) .
28 Cross the river and descend to the path by the river and follow it through the wood , past the well below Benrig House to steps beside a wall .
29 His sacred music , songs and string sonatas have been recorded and testify to the breadth of his artistry .
30 Look to your left and climb to the top of the tree that you see
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